Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 Guests are often late and rarely sit down at the table on time .
2 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
3 We are not amazed at their motivation and intelligence when they eagerly look up at us , willing us to throw the ball or the stick .
4 Earlier her plan had been to go down to the village a little before the gala on the pretext of shopping and finding out the times of the events and perhaps look in at the antique shop ( for Mrs Price was on the Gala committee ) and let it be known she would join the young people , but now that her mother was ill that was out of the question , she pushed it on one side , the urgent thing was to get to the chemist 's and get the stuff up to her mother .
5 Leave about one o'clock get in at half four .
6 I do n't know how you can be so tired when you only get up at half past ten in the morning !
7 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
8 To your benefit , so turn up at half eight , nine o'clock whatever it is .
9 Most of the animals that live along the hedgerows unfortunately only come out at night and the best way to see them is in the light of a car 's headlamp .
10 Most conductors just sit down at that point and , beyond making sure that the orchestra kept up with the stage , leave the music to its own devices .
11 As we have , therefore , travelled together through so many pages , let us behave to one another like fellow-travellers in a stage coach , who have passed several days in the company of each other : and who , notwithstanding any bickerings or little animosities which may have occurred on the road , generally make up at last , and mount for the last time into their vehicle with cheerfulness and good humour ; since after this one stage , it may possibly happen to us , as it commonly happens to them , never to meet more .
12 David Branch , Peter Evans and David Miller had just teed off at the 15th hole in a competition .
13 I no longer lash out at my husband and the children .
14 Election Call , the daily phone-in , has attracted audiences of more than a million , compared with between 300,000 and 700,000 who normally tune in at that time .
15 Then , with one slow glance back at them , he turned to the door , opened it , and went out .
16 So just jot down at the side of the page the other eleven names in the room okay everybody 's Tony , Mike , Jeff , Sarah , Bob , Rob , Gordon , John , Tom , Joanne , Mike Dave .
17 He need not undergo terrorist treatment in the swimming bath , not get up at six o'clock every morning to feed old Bones .
18 Therese had explained the rule here that a girl must either accept to dance with everyone who asked her or not get up at all .
19 The best lift out at Grantown is approximately 400 yds above the bridge ; there 's a nice little beach next to the minor ( unclassed ) road at OS MR 029265 .
20 Yeah well what happens if you just get in at the end of your or a at the time before they change the band , the colours ?
21 In the meantime it 's empty , although they generally turn up at weekends and mess around the place , painting bits and pieces and knocking in nails .
22 He said just go in at any time and we 'll pick it up .
23 Anyone interested is welcome to contact me on 0703 476894 , or secretary Kate Rogers on 0962 760316 , or just turn up at our meeting on May 9th at the Holy Trinity Church Hall in Winchester , starting at 10.30 a.m .
24 ‘ Charlie , yer best call in at the police station on yer way to work tomorrer mornin' . ’
25 Weedy strains already exist in at least six of Keeler 's 20 randomly chosen crops — notably oats , sunflowers , rice and sweet potatoes .
26 The world of satire will surely be greatly and irrevocably diminished when the ink wells finally dry up at Ludgate House .
27 I normally throw up at the mere mention of footy management , but Soccer Rivals is darn good .
28 His grandparents usually chip in at this point .
29 The creamy-white leaves are so conspicuous that the flowers hardly show up at all but the fragrance is breath-taking .
30 These images can be re-scaled at will and always print out at the resolution of the printer rather than the computer 's display .
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