Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] of " in BNC.

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1 Captured in stark black and white by California photographer Ansel Adams , Yosemite looks just as good in colour so bring plenty of film .
2 It is a good , hardy community fish , though a little shy , so provide plenty of shelter .
3 The swimming pool and sunbathing area are a focal point of the hotel — so pack plenty of sun lotion , as this really is a great suntrap !
4 In the course of getting to know the right conditions for plants to survive well , in addition to looking their best in the overall scheme of the garden , Tricia — internationally known as an interior designer — has naturally become something of a plantswoman .
5 ‘ I am not saying she has been subject to a temptation to exaggerate , but I merely remind you of those matters which can exist in relation to a woman 's evidence . ’
6 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him , and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time , and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home .
7 So do lots of people . ’
8 Your Gift will there daily remind me of your friendship and the many pleasing chats we have had in our favourite pursuits .
9 ‘ Yes , but perhaps he thought I might meet some wealthy man who would instantly fall in love with me and so relieve him of some of the responsibility , ’ she retorted , too angry to even think what she was saying , and then gave a derisive smile when she saw that he was half tempted to believe it .
10 Danny and Dick both spent time with Saracens and Wasps , so have plenty of experience . ’
11 So identify which of the files you need , er , would be useful , so that 's what this would do .
12 Surely you no longer suspect me of using you in some devious plan to make Lotta jealous ? ’
13 The best thing to get richer is like , going round car boot sales , like my mum , she 's so funny , dad said she 's a different woman , she 's just like , cos when Phil and I erm , were engaged , we were trying to save up money , so we , oh and like we 'd sell off all our old stuff , so just give me of money , and then , we got these and my mum was pricing everything up , and she 's going , if someone asks for a discount , do n't , just do n't give it to them , she said , everyone 's going round pricing everything up and erm , when they come to you , they just , they just want things for nothing .
14 First , is it inevitable that political parties , not voters , should rank candidates on their lists , and thus decide which of them will have the best chances of being elected ?
15 You could try blocking all daylight except when viewing or have a trickle feed from the mains tap so that it flushes continuously or just use lots of elbow grease .
16 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
17 By the time Thomas , Sue Fletcher and Tim Hely Hutchinson set up Headline in 1986 , working to five-year plans had already become something of a way of life for her .
18 Phillips had already become something of a celebrity after his construction — he was an engineer by training-of an ingenious machine which demonstrated the functioning of the macroeconomy by using various dyed liquids to represent different income and expenditure flows and the factors which influenced these flows .
19 But such broad definitions render the terms vacuous and thus deprive them of analytical value .
20 This theory holds that , although human society originated as Freud described it in Totem and Taboo , subsequent social evolution led to repetitions and expansion of that primal trauma which , although on a smaller scale than the original one , nevertheless share something of its traumatic nature and crucial consequences — particularly for the subsequent evolution of the superego .
21 Do you know what yous two fucking remind me of Kerry and Steven .
22 Or do you suppose you could eat a dog and not think anything of it ? "
23 You thus have plenty of opportunity to achieve the keenest interest rate and save money .
24 You thus have plenty of opportunity to achieve the keenest interest rates .
25 The only disconcerting thing about eating David Moore 's food — ‘ never cooked before July 1991 in my life ; you just need lots of cookbooks and a fertile imagination ’ — is that he can see you from his kitchen window .
26 Obviously they will be much more willing to do this if they already have plenty of spare liquidity .
27 A diametrically different view came from a trades-union leader , Mr Lee Chuk-Yan , who said : ‘ This whole thing of right of abode gives one more choice to people who already have lots of choices .
28 Now if they 've got any sense of course they will put down businesses which they already have lots of dealings with
29 ‘ The workers in our group already have lots of knitting to do what I need now is another group of volunteers , ’ Moira said .
30 mm , I always eat plenty of fruit
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