Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When a large debt issue is undertaken , the Bank will underwrite a large proportion of the issue and slowly sell them to the market over a period of time to avoid excess supply of government debt .
2 A high failure rate ensures that only those with the right aptitude for the job eventually make it to the Company .
3 Not necessarily — the expert fishkeeper could design a system that would take the best of all possible filtration methods and effectively combine them into a very good system .
4 Claims to have found new mechanisms of evolution are common in the press , but they rarely make it into respectable science journals .
5 Go on say something in french to us Carla .
6 This led him to assert that , in spite of ‘ the gross and grievous abominations ’ of Rome , ‘ yet touching those main parts of Christian truth wherein they constantly still persist , we gladly acknowledge them to be the family of Jesus Christ ’ .
7 not sending him there , rather send him to Judge
8 As they do this , take a card from the top , deftly place it on the bottom and turn the pack over .
9 Vic swings on to the motorway , going north-west , and for a few miles gives the Jaguar its head , moving smoothly up the outside lane at 90 , keeping a watchful eye on the rear-view mirror , though the police rarely bother you in the rush hour , they are as eager as anyone to keep the traffic flowing .
10 As the Post Office Authorities only favour us with two mails weekly at this time of the year , your impression of Saturday first will not reach this remote whisky-making comer of Her Majestie 's dominions until the morning will have dawned when Shepherds first received the tidings .
11 Captured in stark black and white by California photographer Ansel Adams , Yosemite looks just as good in colour so bring plenty of film .
12 After all , bright children usually expect to succeed , hence success and praise do not surprise them or necessarily raise them to new levels of performance .
13 If we wish , we can establish one melody for the first verse and merely repeat it in the others , possibly varying some factor such as accompaniment , volume , colour , etc .
14 At this stage we merely introduce them in passing ; we will return to them in greater detail later on .
15 ‘ Just cruising down the street , see one you fancy and literally pick her off the sidewalk — wallop , in the back of the truck . ’
16 In the wild most of the eggs or fry of this type of spawner are eaten , but just enough make it to adulthood to keep the population steady .
17 You want to avoid getting them in the wrong order or dropping them , so number them in the top corner , and link them together with a tag .
18 I think that they only intend them for linings .
19 • Any burns may be deeper than they appear , so cool them with cold water and cover with an antiseptic dressing or clean cloth .
20 I only tax mine for six month now then , ay ?
21 The make you , sort of what were doing when making another member of staff , so there 's a going on full time having free coffee like Dinda did , much change it to be , but I mean it 's just there for free , all day every day , she 's now ten penny piece in , they get a card , get a little pin pricked on , every time they used it up to twenty they get twenty cups of coffee on its card
22 William the Conqueror , who was a second cousin to King Edward the Confessor , succeeded as Duke of Normandy in 1035 , and believed that he was entitled to the crown of England , despite the fact that Harold II had fought along side him in his many battles against his great enemy , the King of France .
23 It is a good , hardy community fish , though a little shy , so provide plenty of shelter .
24 Our brain uses these slight differences to give the scene depth and so provide us with a three-dimensional image .
25 Those who do not voluntarily or semi-voluntarily place themselves under the authority of relatively just governments are under a partial and qualified obligation to recognize the authority of such a government in their country .
26 Erm but erm I I merely pose it as as an indication that erm it is possible for local authorities to erm not open the door to development , speculative development , er if they do not wish to do so erm because it does not ride override existing structure plan policies .
27 Well Stu does a great Bruce Forsyth impression and appears to be perfecting Jimmy Hill as well , so ply him with beer and he 'll have a word with the Chelsea Chopper .
28 In the end the man became so nervous that I had to hold his arm and literally steer him through the crowd to the right spot .
29 In this series I hope to not only provide you with a list of the endangered animals , but also some fascinating information about each animal and the way it lives .
30 You then have to call an agency in order to obtain emergency relief , and they not only provide you with a temporary chef , but promise to send you details of all their head chefs currently seeking employment .
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