Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 He always had to spend ages reassuring Lennie he did want to travel with him and George had to keep on reminding Lennie of their dream , of alfalfa and rabbits , to comfort him .
2 This would allow a larger number of glucose units to enter the gut , thereby allowing uptake of sodium ions via the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter at a higher rate , and hence allowing speedier reabsorption of water from the gut lumen .
3 However , by analogy with the parietal cell ( see section 2 ) , it seems likely that HCO 3 - secretion involves parallel regulation of both basolateral and apical HCO 3 - transport systems , thereby allowing maintenance of a near constant pH i through varying rates of transepithelial HCO 3 - transport .
4 The Province-wide project employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data and includes a proportion of male respondents within the sample , thereby allowing comparisons of political participation to be drawn on the basis of , among other things , sex and gender .
5 To a first approximation it is also possible to write thereby allowing use of the data from either type of measurement to characterize the sample .
6 Later the mass of dancers merely moves upstage sur les pointes to a pose and further ports de bras , then returns downstage to another slowly unfolding set of ports de bras and arabesques .
7 Mr Darby admitted that the company had faced difficult trading conditions , despite successfully completing integration of Ultramar 's oil and gasfield interests and raising about £1 billion from assets sold off already .
8 Why had Shirley Brown had to mention the point on her brief visit to him earlier that morning , and sowed those slowly germinating seeds of doubt ?
9 A funeral procession from the workhouse had had the temerity to pass through his Lordship 's private grounds , thereby producing feelings of outrage .
10 One day he went missing , and the producer went in search of him , eventually catching sight of his Rolls-Royce parked outside a bar .
11 As the coach swung around the mountain 's impressive edge , directly below the vast height , I looked up and seemed to see the grimly laughing face of one of the woodcarver 's gods .
12 Even so , some residents had started to venture out to local pubs and shops and were slowly becoming part of the community .
13 Furthermore the overall effect of this circulation is to link together into a widely ramifying network of relationships a great number of individuals of quite different status and quite different cultural background .
14 But , in the language of social anthropology , " kinship " has very little to do with biology ; it refers rather to a widely ramifying pattern of named relationships which link together the individual members of a social system in a network .
15 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
16 Post-war Bob went on to fly Vampires in the Middle East , eventually becoming CO of a Royal Indian Air Force squadron .
17 Notably , it proposed that a " clear organic relationship " be established between the Western European Union ( WEU ) and the new political union , with the WEU eventually becoming part of the political union and developing " a common security policy on its behalf " , which would not , however , interfere with existing defence arrangements .
18 In 1981 , the same year as retired from working life , he was elected to Metropolitan County Council , eventually becoming Chair of the prestigious Personnel Committee .
19 Etheridge jun. resigned in 1878 , eventually becoming Director of the Australian Museum .
20 He retired in 1982 in some frustration with the civil service before eventually becoming director-general of the Institute of Directors .
21 WAITERS dash to and fro replenishing baskets of crusty bread as often as you like — a sure sign of a good French brasserie .
22 Any commentary must acknowledge at the outset the difficulty in effectively representing diversity of both sectors in terms of quality , quantity and of ‘ style ’ , that is to say , in the attitudes and values that underpin service .
23 This AE recalls a sales manager who tuned in to AEs ' telephone conversations , thereby gaining snippets of information about their private lives which he would not hesitate to use .
24 The Federal Assembly on April 20 voted by a large majority to accept a proposal to rename the state the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic ( CSFR ) , thereby ending weeks of controversy over the issue .
25 I had to keep on signing bits of paper which were meant to list my property , but I had no opportunity to read anything .
26 She stopped , suddenly catching sight of the notes in the saucer .
27 ALASTAIR GRAHAM , headmaster of Mill Hill School , north London , says parents who have paid fees should not be above gently reminding offspring of the financial sacrifices made on their behalf in the run-up to exams .
28 ( If you are only using part of the bean mix at one time , the remainder will keep , covered , for 2–3 days in the refrigerator . )
29 This has the advantage of apparently allowing storage of digested slurries without regeneration of offensive odours .
30 People who have particular knowledge and experience in common , whose contextual realities , so to speak , are closely congruent , will manage to communicate by engaging relevant aspects of contexts with only sparing use of the linguistic resources at their disposal .
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