Example sentences of "[adv] [num] years ' " in BNC.

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1 Currently US proven reserves represent only eight years ' production .
2 Hewson , a former professor of economics at the University of New South Wales , with only three years ' experience in the federal parliament , was generally considered competent but lacking in charisma .
3 Children had often only one years ' schooling .
4 erm There are indications that in perhaps twenty years ' time that there might be some novel applications of lasers .
5 Is it not also the case that the cost of one or perhaps two years ' worth of the administrative introduction of the NHS changes for the internal market would again result in the same figure ?
6 Professor Williams , however , not only believes that rape should have a limited ambit because of the severity of the penalty , but that procuring a woman by threat should also be subject to limitations even though its maximum penalty is merely two years ' imprisonment .
7 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
8 With DOUBLE PAYOUT , however , he enjoys a very reasonable level of cover and the pleasing prospect of a tax-free windfall in just ten years ' time .
9 The best thing to do would be to put away five years ' worth of umm fees in a high interest building society account and just have a direct debit taken out every term and the fees to go out would n't it .
10 Thus after just two years ' trading SOFFEX 's turnover exceeded that of LTOM .
11 Research International says that the proportion of farmers under 35 dropped from 39 to 14 per cent between 1987 and 1991 and the number with under 10 years ' experience dropped from 10 per cent to four per cent .
12 The YBC 's members are all elected members of the Bar Council under seven years ' call , together with a small number of coopted members .
13 But in spite of nearly forty years ' experience , I can never resist temptation .
14 We have tramped miles over mountain and moorland in search of sport , and one of the joys of living and fishing in Scotland is that in spite of nearly forty years ' trout fishing , we have at least another forty years to go before we can honestly say we know but a fraction of all the fishing available .
15 This was introduced nearly three years ' ago when Fr.
16 Joe has nearly 25 years ' experience in the oil industry .
17 Try to stick to the subject of the row rather than bringing up 25 years ' worth of misdemeanours .
18 IT was all smiles as director of human resources George Stonier said thank you to his secretary Val Inskip for clocking up 25 years ' service with the Wedgwood Group .
19 Thus , the maximum penalty for indecently assaulting a man was formerly ten years ' imprisonment , whereas for a woman it was two years , rising to five where she was under 13 .
20 SIR — As a master mariner of nearly 40 years ' standing , I am continually upset by the criticism of Captain Lord ( report , April 3 ) .
21 They contain nearly 40 years ' information about the biggest , smallest , heaviest , highest , longest , fastest , oldest in sport , science and everything else in life .
22 A GRANDMOTHER with nearly 40 years ' experience behind the wheel has been selected as East Anglia 's top woman driver .
23 After nearly 40 years ' work almost all are now fully and beautifully restored .
24 The union was also left virtually bankrupt , having paid out in five weeks ' strike pay nearly two years ' worth of subscriptions .
25 Since being ‘ sacked ’ ( his own expression ) by President Mitterrand nearly two years ' ago , M Rocard had virtually disappeared from the national political scene .
26 Since being ‘ sacked ’ ( his own expression ) by President Mitterrand nearly two years ' ago , Michel Rocard had virtually disappeared from the national political scene .
27 The maximum penalty for this offence when perpetrated against a woman was formerly two years ' imprisonment , rising to five where she was under 13.6 In 1985 , it was raised to ten years ' imprisonment regardless of the victim 's age .
28 Our advice is based on nearly 200 years ' experience in the Oxfordshire property market .
29 If anyone out there wants a crane , makes an offer to Bristol Works Department in about three years ' time — they bought it cheap ( £16,000 ) because nobody else wanted a crane that could n't be moved about easily !
30 In about three years ' time all GM 's new cars will have been developed this way .
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