Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robert rather disagreed with this .
2 Nevertheless , there were a few Conservative politicians who fundamentally disagreed with Conservative policy .
3 When the fungus is finished with its host , large club-shaped fruiting structures punch out through the insect 's exoskeleton , leaving the lifeless husk grotesquely studded with bizarre outgrowths .
4 The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filmy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
5 ‘ The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filthy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
6 The bank was completely under the control of Mr Abdić and his colleagues , and apparently complied with all their wishes .
7 In a festival so studded with star directorial names , it was fascinating to discover who was up and who was down .
8 In 1651 Parliament appointed commissioners to sell Exmoor Forest , which was reported to be ‘ mountainous and cold ground , much beclouded with thick fogges and mists and … overgrown with heath and yielding but a poor kind of turf of little value there . ’
9 This ‘ Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism ’ was planned to be wider than the Champs-Elysées by precisely one metre , as Ceauşescu 's propagandists constantly reiterated with childlike pride .
10 It was this nouveaux riches strategy which so jarred with those such as Veblen who had been raised on the more general American ethic that work itself was a highly moral activity in which pride should be taken , as in the case of Weber 's Protestant ethic which valued utility and austerity .
11 He also constantly experimented with new designs , and the Thomas splint for compound fractures of the lower limbs was widely used during World War I , from 1916 , for the transport of stretcher cases from the front to casualty stations , and saved many lives and limbs .
12 Also to the drivers , who not only drove with such care that the passengers were n't inconvenienced in any way , but also doubled as bike handlers to get the bikes on and off the trailer , inevitably a dirty job .
13 The old slums in Wallace Street have gone now , replaced nearby by a small , neat council estate of flats and maisonettes ; across the main road there 's a sixties estate of dour concrete so riddled with damp and concrete corrosion that it may be demolished by the time this book is published .
14 My work was during my student days , when much hampered with other cares , and I can excuse them for not thinking it what they would expect from their future minister .
15 The road , such as it was , had come to an end and the last twelve miles to our destination were strictly four-wheel drive through yard-deep mud , and over streams alarmingly bridged with thick bamboo trunks simply laid next to each other , so that they separated between our wheels if we took them at anything less than a rush .
16 One can see , then , a philosophical crux in the very nature of the Ring , one that was certainly apparent and deeply interesting to Tolkien , and one which he furthermore expressed with great care and deliberation .
17 They only mated with each other — the old ones went into mourning if a child dared to marry out .
18 He constantly fiddled with that badge of office , a ready-made , multicoloured , bow tie , as he talked to Jane .
19 Not only are these particularly effective on hard ground , but they obviate much of the bending down needed with normal trowels and can thus save on the backache that sometimes results .
20 Mr and Mrs are as I understand it entirely satisfied with that school .
21 Social commentators noted that this phenomenon was not new : bright colours and rising skirts apparently went with good times whilst body concealment and drab tones accompanied depression .
22 Bill , I suddenly saw with that horrible clarity of hindsight , had been a selfish and demanding patient .
23 His mother obviously adored him and merely said with unconvincing sincerity , ‘ Now , Pino , mind what I say . ’
24 A male who did somehow manage to copulate with hundreds of females would be at an enormous advantage compared with a male who only copulated with one or two females .
25 We measured approval by asking respondents to say if they broadly agreed with several general statements about the police ( e.g. , police do a good job ) .
26 He nevertheless shared with other critics a concern about the untrained , unregulated , and unsupervised adolescent work-force , and found it impossible to separate completely the behaviour of these young workers from the larger problem of unemployment .
27 So is this brochure necessary ; is n't the ceramic market already over-bombarded with technical literature ; why should Matroc add more ?
28 I just mentioned with that microphone .
29 Each sample was loaded onto a C8 reverse phase silica cartridge with metal frits ( Bond-elute , Anachem ) previously prepared with washes of methanol and water at pH 3.5 ; washed with 1 ml each of HPLC grade water , 10% ethanol and hexane , and finally eluted with 1 ml of methanol .
30 When Pugh closed the gap with his second penalty , the North Midlands ' response soon followed with another try from Moon .
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