Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Altogether some 10,000ft of ascent and descent are needed , often steep , rocky and energetic , so only fit , capable and committed walkers should attempt this route .
2 So each species of the family , on the near-identical canvas of its body , carries a vivid and individual design based on stripes and patches , dots , eye-spots and zigzags .
3 The formalised and structured use of a variety of books to support learning in schools came into play only when the school population had been weeded down to less that 10% of the state school population . ’
4 Perhaps each species of bird or monkey has poor vision and latches onto just one limited aspect of an insect .
5 They have a 40% vote in the choice of the Labour leader ( with the party 's MPs and its rank-and-file sharing the rest ) ; up to 40% in the choice of parliamentary candidates ; and hitherto some 90% of the vote at the party 's annual conference , though this will come down to 70% this year .
6 More , he lived in hope that one such mirror would find something behind his looks only another pair of eyes could see : some undiscovered self that would free him from being Gentle .
7 However much some people at Cambridge disapproved of him , there can be no doubt of Heath 's high professional competence in the understanding of structuralism and poststructuralism .
8 After all , Liza saw so few people of her own age .
9 ‘ She meets so few people of her own sort .
10 It is to be regretted that so few people in the county are aware of its existence .
11 Why do you think so few people in your kind of position have actually stuck their heads above the parapet and cried ‘ No ’ ?
12 Of the 800,000 Portuguese farms , some three-quarters are smaller than four hectares , occupy only some 15% of agricultural land and are concentrated in certain regions , especially in the north and east .
13 The Ministry of Public Health effectively covered only some 30% of the population : the other 15% able to make use of public health services were covered by health insurance through the workplace .
14 Avgas works out at abut twenty per cent cheaper there than the UK , but at around 34 litres per hour for a C172 or a AA5 , that accounts for only some £4 of the differential .
15 It has been calculated that because of burning , only some 60% of Africa potentially covered with forest actually bears it today .
16 The specialized frugivores are , in general , foraging for only a short period of the day — in the cases of manikins and cotingas , for only some 10% of the daylight hours .
17 This can also explain why only some people on similar sorts of diet get sick and overweight , while others seem to stay slim and healthy .
18 SCO is now saying that only some 7% of Open Desktop code touches the hardware in any case — all the high level stuff like communications , the desktop , graphics and utilities is common to Intel and MIPS .
19 Revenues stood at $855.9m , up 13% , netting income of $4.8m , down some 82% from $26.8m a year ago .
20 As Nietzsche uses them , however , the names denote not merely this pair of very different Greek deities , but two large , supra-historical , and diametrically opposite aspects of art and existence in general .
21 ‘ Everything takes twice as long now they got so much data on the computers . ’
22 An estimated 400 dancers gathered in the Marton Country Club for the annual event which brings together many people from a wide area of the North of the Diocese , from the coastal area through to Northallerton .
23 There are so many works of art in the church that it has been declared a museum and is included as such on the official list of Milanese museums .
24 One of the great pleasures of the exhibition is to see so many works of high quality brought into close proximity .
25 It is presumably because of this innate variability of habitat that there are so many species of organism on land : probably anything between 10 and 70 or more million , compared with maybe only a few hundred thousand in the oceans .
26 Though Sartori had disappeared two hundred years ago , the lives of voiders , like those of so many species from the other Dominions , were longer than the longest human span .
27 Excise duties are often of this kind , being so many pence per packet of cigarettes or per proof of spirit .
28 Second , on a ‘ poundage ’ expressed as ‘ so many pence in the pound ’ .
29 Interspersed with these are anecdotes from his own personal experience travelling around the remains of the country as a journalist , which makes harrowing reading , if only to note how indiscriminately trigger-happy so many people over there seem to be ( joking , for instance , about ‘ target practice ’ on a car containing a TV-film crew ) .
30 The course of HIV infection varies considerably between individuals so many people with AIDS continue to fight disease and live full lives .
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