Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] what the " in BNC.

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1 The strategy effectively neutralised what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote-winner with an electorate wary about an upsurge in union power under Labour if it could be made an issue .
2 HAVING finished second to France , and thereby won what the footballers used to call the Home International championship , Scotland can hardly be grudged the eight players they have in the British Isles task force for the invasion of New Zealand this summer under captain Gavin Hastings .
3 Historians have long debated what the Globe looked like .
4 Supporters have only read what the press have said .
5 We have not just heard what the official Opposition have to say , or what the Government have said in the autumn statement ; we have heard what the Opposition 's opposition suggest , in the form of the amendment tabled by the right hon. Member for Chesterfield ( Mr. Benn ) .
6 Quite deliberately the storyteller has not reported what the runner told the people of the town .
7 They had already suspected what the problems were , and Liz and her parents soon started to discuss ways in which they could deal with the backlog of paperwork .
8 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
9 Baxter 's influential friends had secured for him four of the ablest barristers in the land , but it was obvious from the beginning of the trial that Jeffries had already decided what the verdict would be .
10 Jack is not bothered what the tree looks like because it is not good enough to eat .
11 But they were NOT told what the bug was — or that other babies were affected .
12 She put the sprigs of mint from the glass on to the table where they left a damp stain on the surface ; she no longer cared what the hotel staff would think .
13 Yeah er if you , what was on tonight was er on the , there was a T V programme on tonight called What the Papers Say and the editor Alistaire Campbell was on tonight , he is actually quite left-wing and this paper will , is actually quite vehement about the government , much more than the Sun would ever be , it 's quite interesting , yet that is owned by Murdoch , but I have to say that I think that is only because Murdoch is n't liked in that way since to have
14 REPLYING to the letter from Brian Hunter ( HAS March 30 ) in relation to food for diabetics in hospital , he has obviously not understood what the trouble was .
15 You have already defined what the worry is , so go on to look at the cause , list different possibilities for dealing with the cause and then decide on the action which seems most likely to be effective .
16 Rupert had not specified what the ‘ friends ’ consisted of , so nobody could have known about the anthropological colleague and his wife and their children aged seven , five , and three , or pictured Rupert going to church alone on Christmas morning , helping to wash up after the adequate but plain Christmas dinner , spending the evening talking shop , and retiring early to his hard uncomfortable bed .
17 Er so can you remember from what you 've just read what the , what the command is ?
18 No one ever explained what the danger zone was , or that people living outside the no-go area might still be in danger of contamination .
19 Have you ever wondered what the heck Transportation Division get up to ?
20 Philosophy has effectively challenged what the theologian often persists in seeing as the ‘ proofs ’ of God 's existence which he or she must hang on to in order to have an absolutely secure and certain faith .
21 He had also realised what the French wanted from him : the truth about the Prince of Wales ' former mistress , now immured at Godstowe .
22 Flat-dwellers have probably forgotten what the front of their block looks like behind the forest of advertisments .
23 She has probably known what the doctor is going to say and may feel she has betrayed the family or patient and her relationship with them by not previously telling them the truth .
24 The member must be clearly informed what the charges against him are , including the facts on which the charges are based , and given a proper opportunity to answer them .
25 And the outcome of that was that by the time the boys reached the hut where they lived with their grandfather , they had clean forgotten what the sun-god told them to do .
26 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
27 I keep on thinking of him : of things he said and I said , and how we neither of us really understood what the other meant .
28 But if you , if you look at a B two it makes sense , I mean I 've looked at B two 's and I have n't really understood what the one 's two 's and three's are for but now it makes sense to me so people who are B two makes more sense to them to know what
29 I 've often wondered what the odds were against breaking that same pane twice in succession .
30 Erm , as I say , she 's like , she 's very democratic , and she 's always asking them what they felt how , how they felt they should tackle it , I mean They had n't decided what the message should be
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