Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although his attitude towards the French seemed to change somewhat before he died , Roosevelt had effectively delayed the French in their attempt to return to Indochina .
2 The materials which I designed myself as illustrative of a particular approach to teaching ( for example , Widdowson 1978 ; Allen and Widdowson 1973 ) , have been criticized on the grounds that they have not been subjected to evaluation and thereby given the seal of practical effectiveness ( Murphy 1985 ) .
3 The shareholders are thereby given the power to judge for themselves whether the directors are using their managerial powers for their own benefit at the expense of the company and if this is so to veto the transaction or at least hold the director liable for any profits thereby made .
4 Z is thereby given the option .
5 The were-wolf pornographer is thereby given the coup-de-grace , and with great subtlety at that in times of regurgitated Nazism and anti-Semitism .
6 Now that he was left alone with the two women , both of whom ( he imagined ) rather admired him , Rupert felt a sense of power , though there being two of them rather limited the scope of what he could do — cramped his style , he might almost have said .
7 The reason for this pledge was to make good the cut in benefits that resulted from the breaking of the link between these benefits and earnings or prices — whichever most favoured the claimant .
8 Almost at once , those who had most favoured the change start squealing .
9 She had duly registered the death of her father at the Council Offices that afternoon and the funeral had now speedily to be carried out in Buckinghamshire .
10 Even most of South America has conquered inflation and gold-loans have effectively smoothed the market .
11 In order to gain a Record of Achievement a student must have successfully completed the assessment schedule(s) of the single area(s) of study for which he/she is registered .
12 In order to gain a Record of Achievement a student must have successfully completed the assessment schedule(s) including the examination(s) for the single area(s) of study for which he/she is registered .
13 Whilst with JM Liz has successfully completed the Institute of Personnel Management examinations and is currently taking the Open University Effective Manager course .
14 By the Jan. 31 deadline a further nine parties had successfully completed the registration process .
15 Clark owned an estate in Tetbury which was eventually given the name Highgrove by his grandson John Paul Paul .
16 Pop culture thus works through an amalgam of attitude , inspiration , intuition and detail ( for nobody is as obsessive as the true pop fan , whose obsession is rarely given the respect it deserves ) ; crucially , it works best not in public , where the terms of discourse are set by the dominant culture , but in private space .
17 But the heat and the darkness and the twisted magic had long since drained the heart from the land ; the dark sorcery had sucked out the goodness and turned it into a stunted , abandoned place .
18 Okay they 're migrating from an area of low incomes to an area of high incomes , right broken the route
19 The gloved hand — like a fat , black spider — delicately placed the telephone back in its cradle .
20 It is a follow-up to the World Conservation Strategy of 1980 , which has since formed the basis for all or part of 50 national strategies in 50 .
21 Technological change has not only brought about a drastic decline in the number of farm workers , but has fundamentally altered the nature of the work which they now perform .
22 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
23 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
24 Wolfe Tone , the aristocratic eighteenth-century Irish nationalist , had secretly arranged the arrival of a French invasion fleet .
25 The US Supreme Court has effectively limited the power of the Endangered Species Act , by dismissing a case which sought to establish that federal bodies must comply with the Act when funding projects overseas .
26 In spite of his continued haughtiness in speaking to the gipsy , Noah 's authoritative manner had badly shaken the magistrate 's confidence .
27 And that exactly a century ago , the fifth Earl sold his splendid library to Mrs John Rylands , who gave it to Manchester ( though the university has since broken the spirit of the benefaction by selling part of it ) .
28 Glaxo has since delayed the launch to await product approvals but it 's a massive project and will take out rigid packaging business forward very quickly when it comes on stream — probably late this year .
29 It had rather given the impression that splits were not the done thing .
30 There is a third point of view : that of weary or wilful ignorance , which has since banished the question almost entirely from intellectual discussion among ordinary , concerned people .
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