Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] the first " in BNC.

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31 If , when you left the machine , you had already knitted the first row of the cycle , when you return you 'll knit two more of the same row , making a total of three .
32 She had just stuck the first stamp on the envelope when a friendly voice behind her said : ‘ Can you manage all right , missy , or do you want a lift up ? ’
33 It 's just found the first one , bombed out , told you to fix it .
34 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
35 Thereafter , Franco began to make a rhetorical distinction between the war against the United Kingdom and the United States , in which Spain took no part , and the war against the Soviet Union , which , in Franco 's view , was a new crusade against communism , of which Nationalist Spain had already fought the first battle during her Civil War .
36 Anyone who has got as far as saying this , has already thrown the first proposition overboard , because if it is ‘ the responsibility of management to do everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce prices ’ , then we would not need a commission to tell us that managements which raise prices are falling down on their responsibility .
37 - A letter appears in a national newspaper expressing disbelief that the writer has already spotted the first penny-for-the-guy collector/Christmas tree/artificial snow sprayed on shop window/Valentine cards on sale .
38 ‘ We have already taken the first steps towards that goal .
39 She remain uncertain still what was to be done with it , though she consoled herself with the thought that in entering the court of Le Grand Jeu and submitting to its verdict , she had already taken the first tentative steps .
40 David , Grant and Stuart are due to complete their studies towards the end of 1995 but have already cleared the first hurdle .
41 Graham Taylor 's sidekick said : ‘ He has already achieved the first step by playing in the friendly against Spurs and it will be a very big step to get into a competitive game where there will be no quarter given or asked .
42 Victorian doors THE Victorian Society has just published the first in a new series of information leaflets , Care for Victorian Houses : Doors .
43 Charles , who has just failed the first year of a law degree and is hard up , put up a notice on the fence : " Danger — Keep Out — No Liability Accepted . "
44 US scientists have successfully produced the first gene-altered wheat , opening up the possibility of the development of high-protein strains and ones resistant to drought and disease .
45 He hardened his opposition to both , despite the fact that his own party chairman had once favoured the first , and vocal forces within his Scottish party were in support of the second .
46 I I 've only ever seen the first film of it .
47 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
48 Note that in the above discussion we have carefully distinguished the first from the second operand .
49 Corporate Wedgwood has also received the first order for its new Caspian pattern for Amberley Castle , Arundel — the only 900-year-old castle in the world which is used as an hotel .
50 The chance of it getting the first two letters-ME-right is the chance of it getting the second letter- E-right ( 1 in 27 ) given that it has also got the first letter — M — right , therefore 1/27 x 1/27 , which equals 1/729 .
51 We have also welcomed the first of the ‘ new blood ’ recruits , Dr Louise Yeoman , Curator F/E in Manuscripts .
52 Richter had also conducted the first performances of two Brahms symphonies .
53 Nevertheless , while quangos have clearly survived the first two Thatcher administrations , a precise head count is less easy than official figures might suggest .
54 There are fourteen references to defence in the index of the old Government Commission files in Registry , and I have now wasted the first hour and a half of my working day checking through them all .
55 Coming soon are a new wetsuit and high cut trousers and Nigel has now finished the first sea kayak with another on the way .
56 It has also now taken the first steps towards setting up a country-wide party .
57 The United Kingdom has now taken the first step towards European Monetary Union which is intended to lead eventually to a single European currency .
58 If homosexuals had sartorially predicted the first Teds , then both they and these first teenagers inhabited the same psychic and social space .
59 But time 's flying Chris and you still have n't done the first violin , never mind second .
60 ‘ You obviously have n't got the first idea when it comes to a relationship …
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