Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She told me that the previous year she had confided to an American friend in Rome that the two people who most fascinated her in the world were Albert Schweitzer and Herbert von Karajan ; and a year later she was sitting in an empty hall with Walter Legge , Elisabeth Schwarzkopf , and Herbert von Karajan listening to a private recital on the organ by Albert Schweitzer .
2 In August-September 1982 it proved unable to clinch a peace treaty with its Maronite ally , having effectively installed it as the new Lebanese government .
3 Why , she wondered , when she had effectively let him off the hook ?
4 Escobar announced last month that he was declaring war on the state and the government has since blamed him for a series of bomb blasts in Bogota and other cities which have killed more than 40 people .
5 The Viennese modernists , Klimt , von Hofmannsthal , Hoffmann , Moser , had only joined them in this acceptance .
6 The generally massive expansion in financial services , the ‘ Big Bang ’ , the LDDC 's location close to the City , £400 million of public-sector support in the first five years of existence and its extensive powers to acquire land , all placed it in an exceptionally favourable situation .
7 His youth had perhaps exposed him to charges of being too much under the control of guardians ( bajuli ) but none is documented after Atto in 838 .
8 you 'd merely likened it to the bin-skips
9 Despite their common backgrounds , shared interests , and childhood ties , Gould 's pre-eminence had swiftly distinguished him beyond social association with his former colleague .
10 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
11 Though relieved , and fiercely delighted that she had apparently stopped him in his tracks , Polly was apprehensive about going back up on deck .
12 Your family has obviously sustained you through many crises .
13 It would have been very hard for him to have suddenly dropped her after all she had endured .
14 You 've obviously enjoyed your career very much and we 've all enjoyed you over the years , would you be pleased if your grandchildren went into acting ?
15 She looked disappointed , so Toby had obviously disarmed her with his usual charm , and had probably promised some expenses , too .
16 So claimed his after two years recently and got about six thousand pound .
17 ‘ I 've obviously caught you at a bad moment .
18 Hitherto he had only visualized her through Gabriel 's eyes , and he saw now that his little friend was not an accurate describer .
19 Why he never troubled to publish his knowledge , I do not know , except that he was an aristocrat , and so perhaps considered it beneath him to publish .
20 And seeing Nicole had only reminded her of that fact .
21 Dusk was falling swiftly , as it always does in the tropics , and the silence that had so impressed me by daylight suddenly became noisy with the night life of the jungly-type trees in the mountains behind-the bull frogs , strange bird cries , the never-ending background of the cicadas .
22 In their defensive exchanges , they ceased to value what had first so attracted them to each other .
23 Her cheeks , which had been so white the previous evening , now had colour , and instead of sagging with exhaustion she radiated the extraordinary vitality that had so attracted me at our first meeting on the Cutty Sark .
24 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
25 Like most birdwatchers , I have only seen them in pictures -invariably in supremely elegant poses , their long , thin beaks delicately probing the water for weeds .
26 He had only seen them in books and wondered how something as light and puffy as steam could pull such heavy carriages .
27 It 's as if I 'd only seen him at twilight ; and now suddenly I see him at dawn .
28 This had covered the blotter so that he had really only seen it for a short time .
29 ‘ I 've only seen it from a great distance .
30 only seen it in that .
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