Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
2 Erm but they er have only done it on a localized basis .
3 I 've only got him on tape .
4 You 've only had them on one morning .
5 The mess steward came in with Woolley 's piano-accordion and gently laid it on the table .
6 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
7 Tony 's GP had prescribed the medication for his sleeping difficulties , but he had only taken it on two occasions , finding the tablets to be of little help .
8 Eliot had apparently declined it on the plea that it was Lent .
9 I have just heard it on the news . ’
10 In a letter to Dr Bennett in Sydney from the ‘ Upper part of the Torrens ’ on 23 June 1839 , Gould remarked , ‘ Capt. Sturt has just joined me on our way to the Murray …
11 Well he 's probably just caught him on the back of on the back of the calf but er I thought it was as you say I thought it was a nice sharp incisive tackle .
12 Well it 's just , he 's just let her on that .
13 Jane had not visited her on impulse , nor yet as a premeditated plan .
14 Ruth 's decorum had somehow imposed it on her .
15 And there 's no use getting in the exam on Thursday and say ah well I 'm afraid I 've not done it on that arm so erm lost
16 Watch out for a driver or cyclist who has not seen you on the crossing — Rules 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 .
17 ‘ Bailey 's already briefed him on the telephone but he wo n't know you 're in charge of the operation until he gets here .
18 He was , indeed , following in the line of Hooker and Andrewes , but Andrewes , though himself favouring ritual , had not enforced it on others .
19 ‘ That 's all very well , but Chamberlain 's only just told us on the wireless that the war 's begun . ’
20 I can assure you that I did and I can assure you that I have already thanked him on behalf of the Council , shook his hand and said how well he done it , but if you 'd like a letter to go to say how well he done it , then I 'll send a letter telling him how well he done it .
21 He had already told me on the Friday at the training session , and in front of about 20 of the lads , that I was n't in the team .
22 I had also just complimented her on her dress .
23 The non-aligned nations , meeting in Delhi , have just dragged it on the stage by backing an Argentine call for the withdrawal of all nuclear weapons from the Falklands .
24 We 've already complimented you on the general pass rate . ’
25 He can console himself with a winter passage booked to Australia , and the knowledge that his talent and determined character have finally set him on a rightful path to the pinnacle of the game .
26 So I wo n't go through the rest of it , it 's a long and er it 's just brought us on the same sort of thing , but what it proves is that we are getting somewhere and that is what I thought was rather important news , which I want to do .
27 I do n't give two farts for yours , he said , but you have just dumped mine on a motorway layby .
28 Now this may not be the most compelling subject but it is important for you to know that throughout our term in office , we 've not left you on your own as you carry out the task of raising funds for your programme .
29 I think the other thing also , I found it a disadvantage actually having it on the table , I think if I 'd just left it on the like that
30 ‘ You 've already taken me on a tour of Rome .
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