Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] the time " in BNC.

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1 Mosley said : ‘ We 've been listening long enough and the time has come to do something about it .
2 And you would the name had to be filled in and the time and the details .
3 For years , he had pitted himself against it , aware that it would mean the time for worrying about the future was over and the time for action had arrived .
4 More than one manager has devised a superb presentation only to find that the date was yesterday or the time half an hour earlier .
5 Rab felt to lick it off but the time , the place , was wrong ; a dump like this , it was hard to be anything , anyway romantic .
6 That 's the time you 're going to get up or the time you 're going to leave ?
7 Then there was a heavy pause , like the moment a ball must feel between the time it 's thrown up and the time it starts to come down , and something picked up all three of them and slid them into a struggling heap .
8 Time is a window through which we spy the world , And being engrossed in our present moments , we fail to grasp the significance of the time behind and the time ahead .
9 So between now and the time when , we go , we ought to persuade as many as we can to join us .
10 He was n't blocking anything , and at the end of the alley was the street ; he 'd probably pick up a ticket between now and the time of the meeting , but that would be a small price to pay for the convenience of having less than a couple of hundred yards to drag her .
11 As a result evidence … clearly showed that the two Constables had been idling and gossiping together at a place where one of them had no right to be … [ and ] that the Acting Sergeant , on his round of inspection , met these two Constables together , failed to note in his book , as was required in the regulations , the place where and the time where he met them , and to see that the Constables then noted in their books the time and place of his visit …
12 After being given a few minutes to study the diagram the sender is told to go ahead and the time is noted .
13 All take marketing seriously and the time has come for education to be added to the list .
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