Example sentences of "[adv] [noun prp] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 As the girls were sitting down Tom asked them what they 'd like to drink .
2 Well there 's only Fred has them you see cos I do n't like them so I only buy medium size tins to start off with .
3 So Tom took them along past the new Pump House , the old Turkeycock School and down Main Street to the ancient Sand Gate .
4 The sheets felt a bit damp so Mary spread them out on the terrace in the sun to dry .
5 Several cats were feeding on it so Mike cleared them away with a kick from his combat boot and we started eating , dipping the wet crusts in the ravioli .
6 Eh , concentrate , oh yeah leggings , erm so Jenny tried them on , and they looked really nice on her , cos her legs , you see , cos I 've got this bit here , little bit there , erm , and being cropped , just made the legs look a bit sort of stumpy .
7 Long John told them about Black Dog , saying , ‘ That was how it was , was n't it , Hawkins ? ’
8 So Vi called them her last-day-of-peace roses and vowed they would remain there until the war was over , even if it lasted four years , like the last one had done .
9 Only Canterbury beat them convincingly .
10 Time became meaningless , all was sensation , until finally Travis made them one with the firm thrust of his body .
11 Had not God made them small enough to do the job ?
12 Anyway Steve picked them up here .
13 Anyway Steve picked them up here and then dropped them off
14 He fumbled back to his position to the right of the screen and somehow Busacher got them all through the rest of the act .
15 And finally Rachel swept them from the kitchen and down the stairs , chatting amiably as she went .
16 How discreetly Kun plays them .
17 Eventually Rose persuaded them to hold the reception in the house .
18 Probably Moxie brought them .
19 Urgently Ramsay directed them , all but physically pushing and prodding them into the approximate shape of a great wedge .
20 When she first began to have coaching in horsemanship , she was obsessed with her progress and it was her main topic of conversation whenever Stephen joined them for dinner .
21 And she 'd , she 'd even get her girlfriend 's mother to ring up to say she was staying there the night , the mothers used to s ring up Joan tell them that it was al alright for er for er Andrea to stay there the night and she was never , she was camping out in the fields with a crowd of them oh
22 This means that the very substantial facilities of RAE for testing and examining materials are available whenever AIB need them .
23 Well Lynwood do them .
24 Would n't Sue do them ?
25 Even Perry knows them .
26 Just over three years ago England defeated them 2-0 at Wembley , but Yugoslavia might have drawn or even won that game had they taken their chances .
27 Sophie well that 's not really a weird name but she 's there as well Bernie knows them all
28 And , well Fred opens them himself you see because it 's only now and again he has them .
29 Well Danny sent them back cos they dirty .
30 ‘ The question is why has n't Durham built them before ? ’ — Every child would be given a statutory right to education from the age of three under a Liberal Democrat government , its Darlington candidate vowed .
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