Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
2 These ancestors have long since been at rest , but during their time around Pelynt there was between them bitter jealousy , treachery and hatred , leading even to murder .
3 Brittany had long since been in some way subject to Normandy .
4 Our work so far has obviously only been of a preliminary nature , but even so it is clear that there are many strands in the concept of participation and public involvement in decision-making related to novel energy systems .
5 Well Hannah 's only just been on a second ago .
6 I realised that I had only just been in time before all traces of cropmarks had been obliterated .
7 The isolation — I have only once been in an admission ward less than a dozen miles from my home — and the physical environment — inappropriate design , upstairs dormitories that must be locked all day , uninvolving regimentation — are aspects of a system of care whose inadequacies should not be underestimated .
8 Phone in one hand , and sandwich in the other , that 's Linda , but she tells me she 's a good cook , and erm , she 's also told me there 's only , she 's only ever been with one guy in her life ,
9 Much of the focus has so far been on integration , instigated predominantly by non-Disabled people , as a mean for all sections of the community to be involved on an equal basis , in a way which does not differentiate between the intention of this approach is genuine , in practice it often transmutes into another form of exclusion and discrimination .
10 Implicatures that are " triggered " in this unostentatious way , simply by the assumption that the maxims are being observed , have so far been of the greater interest to linguists .
11 The existence of this ring had been inferred after the fly-by of Pioneer 11 in 1974 , which was the second of four spacecraft that have so far been to Jupiter .
12 The human rights organization Amnesty International reported on Nov. 12 that in 1992 there had so far been at least 100 murders of unarmed civilians , many of whom had first been threatened , detained or tortured , in south-eastern Turkey and that political killings were continuing " virtually daily " .
13 This account has so far been in partial equilibrium terms .
14 But they remained essential to him , perhaps because his life had so often been at stake .
15 Women have so often been in situations of powerlessness and dependence that any system of belief or programme of action that could count as ‘ feminist ’ must in some way see this as a central concern .
16 Coming from someone who 'd obviously never been in the right frame of mind magnetically to attach anything but his salary to himself — money Anwar always referred to as ‘ unearned income ’ — this seemed a bit rich .
17 ‘ You 've obviously NEVER been in love or you d never think of it so vulgarly !
18 Rodrigo raised his standard at Juballa , a strong castle on the borders of Valencia , and from there began to raise an army to reconquer the city which had so recently been under his command .
19 In America , Turner shares management with Greenwich Village songstress Suzanne Vega , a factor which he feels has not entirely been in his favour .
20 This showed that he had not only been in the Catalina that had sighted the Bismarck but was actually piloting it and had taken avoiding action when the Bismarck opened fire .
21 I got on the vehicle but the driver had not long been in fourth gear when I came to my senses .
22 Moreover , NAB had not long been in existence before , in July 1982 , the Secretary of State announced his intention of reorganizing initial teacher training , involving substantial reductions in secondary training in public sector institutions via the B.Ed .
23 The French King seems to have taken this as an insult and , if he had not already been in touch with the Poitevin rebels , he very soon was .
24 A variation order or some other delay caused by the client occurs at a time which does not cause additional delay or cost but which would have done so if the contractor had not already been behind schedule .
25 The role of Highlander in this project so far had not just been as a catalyst , nor a co-ordinating agency for the network — though this in itself is a vital role — but also as a meeting place for the widely scattered groups which came to the Center to hold regular training workshops .
26 It should be pointed out that the decline has not just been in evidence under the Conservative government , but was also apparent before 1979 , although it has accelerated subsequently .
27 Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned .
28 But it has not always been like this .
29 So I would think it 's just always been at that that site .
30 do n't fri you know when you sit on your bottom in a canoe and that , you 've not probably been in a canoe
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