Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 Meaning is not an issue that arises for the Russian Formalists , and it is here that they differ most fundamentally from the American New Critics with whom they otherwise have so many similarities .
2 Cherrykino , carrying the colours of Anne Duchess of Westminster , is a highly progressive chaser and turned over odds-on Milford Quay when running on gamely from the last to prevail by a length .
3 Bhabha writes of how Fanon ‘ speaks most effectively from the uncertain interstices of historical change : from the area of ambivalence between race and sexuality , out of an unresolved contradiction between culture and class ; from deep within the struggle of psychic representation and social reality ’ ( foreword to Fanon , Black Skin , White Masks , p. ix ) .
4 For this purpose I draw on a wide-ranging survey by John Lyons , which carries on naturally from the analysis by James Harris that I have just quoted .
5 ‘ This is what you call the laconicum ? ’ she asked , drawing back rather dubiously from the dank breath that distilled out of the earth .
6 Almost at once they heard the music of the hunt — the pack and the leaders , running crosswind a furlong or so downhill from the path .
7 So right from the beginning you need to give out positive feelings and positive feedback towards them .
8 So right from the beginning of the poem a sombre mood is present in the poem .
9 ‘ It probably looks all right from the bottom of the ladder .
10 I often get calls from their lawyers , sometimes from their record companies , and extremely rarely from the artists .
11 I 'd like to have a proper team together right from the start . ’
12 Erm , I mean , all in all they did , they did get the final result , the scene came together right from the last eleven minutes to achieve the result , but it was just there was a lot of confusion at the beginning of the start .
13 And there 's , towards the end of the first chapter there 's a bit all about erm erm er temptation and deliver us from evil kind of thing which is obviously rather from the , from the Lord 's Prayer and yet it 's , rather explained rather nicely and it , it 's a lovely , lovely book !
14 Recognise in time , perhaps only from the despair of repeated failure , that you yourself did not cause the disease , can not control it and can not cure it and that in time you may need to surrender the fight and hand over the care of the sufferer 's addictive disease to his or her own appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
15 Here there is a calm sense of wonder and satisfaction coming down gently from the previous energetic emotion with the sigh of , ‘ Ah ’ , but still maintaining the feeling of happiness and ‘ brightness ’ with words such as ‘ white ’ and ‘ flame ’ with references to nature and ‘ bird-song ’ .
16 Victoria 's output of Masses , and of motets , was much smaller — no more than a score — eight of them being modelled on his own motets , though he was much more selective than most of his contemporaries , borrowing only sparsely from the model instead of treating it almost as the theme for a series of variations as Palestrina does with ‘ Assumpta est ’ and de Monte in most of his Masses .
17 Humans create niches for wildlife by providing extra pockets of nutrients — comparable to estuaries , where nutrients are brought in naturally from the surrounding seas and landscape .
18 But the myriad electronic images and printed words that pour in daily from the Balkan war zone can not convey the whole truth about what is going on there .
19 The little laundry maid who came in daily from the village was dismayed to find Miss Alexandra in the laundry room asking what clear starch was and demanding to be shown how to use a goffering iron .
20 Ferrets are reluctant to enter a vertical shaft — which explains why ferrets very rarely enter bolt-holes that drop down vertically from the surface .
21 This is a relatively small garden measuring 33ft by 36ft ( 10m by 11m ) and our main task is to provide a real feeling of space and movement as well as rationalising the steep slope that drops down away from the house .
22 ‘ For Farr , ’ said Lustgarten , ‘ as he laughed and joked with his old friend in the front room of their Wimbledon home , was already planning exactly where his carving knife would skirt the edge of the poisoned breast meat , digging deeper and deeper away from the tainted flesh , so that neither he nor Templeton would suffer .
23 One result of this attitude was that the strain placed by warfare on the economies of most European States was less than the mere number of men engaged in fighting might seem to indicate , since these were drawn so largely from the least productive elements of society .
24 Armies so non-national and drawn so largely from the lowest strata of the social pyramid were prone to lose men by desertion .
25 By the 1790s these shock waves had triggered off another seismic event , sending North America ( where the struggle for national independence had already begun in 1774 ) not only away from the English Crown but on the road to a republican state .
26 When a voltage is applied to the tip of the AFM needle ( which is kept far enough away from the surface so that no tunnelling current can flow ) , the dopant 's electrons are disturbed and exert an electrostatic force on the tip .
27 If you can get it off in one piece , so much the better ; if you can not , pull the centre far enough away from the wall to allow you to cut through the board with a padsaw or jig saw , and free each half separately .
28 At the far end of the street , where the beach curved into an arc — and where the water was far enough away from the slops of Main Street — there on my right I could see a grove of coconut palms behind the beach , almost bending over the sand like a canopy as they leaned against the trade winds .
29 Family run B/B close to the beach , shopping , entertainment and conference centres yet far enough away from the main road to avoid traffic noise .
30 This method should eliminate end effects provided that the test section where the gauge is mounted is itself far enough away from the sample ends to ensure uniform strain .
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