Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as with " in BNC.

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1 MOREOVER , individual examples of bias , such as the one I detected when Paddy Ashdown was allowed to get away with the ridiculous notion that he might do a deal with John Major just as easily as with Neil Kinnock , need to be balanced against the election coverage as a whole .
2 The slow movement , as I say , is outstanding , with Masur 's very straight , simple phrasing conveying an emotional intensity quite as deep as with a more overtly expressive style .
3 The General has frequent contact with Winnie Mandela — and through her indirectly with her husband - as well as with the ANC leadership .
4 Jack felt the need to treat these outbursts by Warnie with firmness as well as with gentleness , not least because his brother was giving voice to feelings which he shared quite passionately himself .
5 ‘ I will have regard to how vigorous competition with the tunnel can be best assured as well as with how well the current competitive arrangments have operated , ’ he said .
6 But I was one with the solitaries of the spirit , too : with St Teresa and St John of the Cross as well as with humbler dissidents like Jordi and one or two other men of the working class I had known in Spain , the young bank clerk I had met in Cordoba the previous spring , among the orange and lilac blossom of Las Tendillas , where we walked and whispered , hardly daring to look at one another , and separating at the sight of police .
7 Be bold with contrast as well as with harmony .
8 What he wished to do was , in broad outline , in accord with the principles of the Libyan revolution as well as with what he thought right .
9 More investment was needed in ‘ clean technology ’ research as well as with more collaboration between companies .
10 However , our research also illuminates the long-standing debate in social work about the merits and limits of genericism and specialization and about how best to engage with people 's supportive networks and local agencies as well as with people as individual clients ( Bulmer , 1986 ; 1987 ) .
11 In our relations with the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe as well as with the poverty-stricken peoples of the South , we will work from the principle that political freedom needs the sure foundation of economic security .
12 Andy worked mainly in the shop , but also had a chance to play with the Hunts as well as with other famous players of the 1970s such as Doug McLelland , John Garner and Peter Dawson .
13 If it is a first baby , then both mother and father are inexperienced and are learning how to cope with the demands of the new infant as well as with the disruption in their own lives .
14 All four prototypes used special tapes , and were incompatible with each other — as well as with every video system already on the market .
15 Seizing his opportunity immediately , Mr Chan grabbed at it and Ray Shepherd was soon wrestling with Mr Chan as well as with the wheel .
16 However , I also linked wealth with being selfish , greedy , materialistic , hard-hearted , snobbish , and dull — as well as with childhood images from the Bible about camels and the eye of a needle !
17 In fact , this was quite normal procedure by now in Romania , since they also determined the holiday plans of their senior colleagues , down to the destination , length of stay as well as with whom they spent their vacation .
18 He was an outcast of the otaku community as well as with his own family .
19 Remember you can show signs of judgement in terms of your body language ( see p. 109 ) as well as with what you say .
20 The reformers in the government temporarily won a truce , between themselves and the students as well as with the conservatives .
21 What is more difficult to predict into the middle of the next century is the proportion of the total population that this older group will constitute , because that depends upon the birth-rate , and the latter , if past experience is anything to go on , shifts unpredictably with transient social circumstances — such as the level of unemployment or whether or not there is a war — as well as with unstable social attitudes to child-bearing and the age at which it is thought suitable for women to bear children .
22 Although they have managed without financial support from us in the past , things are getting progressively difficult and it may be that should we help them financially as well as with manpower .
23 Nonetheless , military pilots are still required to qualify for an Airline Transport Pilots Licence soon after joining the Branch if they do not already possess one , since much of their investigating career is going to be closely concerned with civil regulations and civil operating techniques as well as with the technicalities of flying .
24 IF THEY find themselves in a tangle at an anti-social hour , the United Nations men now taking over in Somalia will at least have the chance of talking it over with their masters in New York — as well as with their unofficial masters in Washington .
25 This book seeks to present social anthropology as a humanistic discipline which , by its very nature , claims to be less ethnocentric and insular than history or sociology but which has strong and significant links with both these subjects as well as with social psychology and psychiatry .
26 The Fantasia in F minor , written for mechanical organ but one of the composer 's most intensely dramatic utterances , comes off fairly well ( but not as well as with Frantz and Eschenbach , who are compelling in this great work ) , but I still prefer the weight and variety of organ tone here ; and if the Adagio of the C minor Fugue with its two-piano writing is a trifle ponderous , the D major Sonata for two pianos that follows is not all so .
27 I believe that it is valuable for children to learn to use this experience , and to become able , at will , to look at language rather than through it , to think about it as well as with it .
28 If they were to try to maintain the parity of sterling against gold ( which was in accordance with their own instincts as well as with the views of most of their advisors , although not of Keynes ) they needed substantial foreign credits and they were unlikely to get these without welfare economies which would disrupt the Cabinet and its parliamentary support .
29 Teachers ' centre wardens ( usually themselves experienced teachers anxious to develop active supportive programmes ) keep in close touch with teachers and schools as well as with local advisers and " the office " , and centre management is frequently run on quasi-democratic lines with a significant element of teacher-participation ( the local authority none the less is responsible for finance ) .
30 The government sought co-operation with the unions and the farmers as well as with businessmen .
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