Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 There are three polarisation states for deuterium nuclei , so only a third of the atoms in unpolarised deuterium will line up perpendicular to the magnetic fields .
2 When tasting , pour in only a third of a glassful and use the following guidelines :
3 The microwave combination 's ability to prime cook à la carte dishes in about a fifth of the usual time offers opportunities to introduce items on the menu which traditionally have meant advance ordering , for example , racks of lamb , beef Wellingtons , en croûte dishes and so on .
4 This can be seen as a backlash against independent research which shows that confusion and ignorance is the main factor in about a third of unplanned teenage pregnancies .
5 Within marriage , in Gorer 's group , the most frequent rate of intercourse — the number of times within a given period in which intercourse generally took place — was once or twice a week , in about a third of the marriages concerned .
6 Mutant oncogenes of the ras family are found in about a third of all cancers and as many as 80% of pancreatic tumours .
7 Algorithms detect most high risk patients , both young and old , and risk factor stratification shows that in about a third of them there is a likely or predominant initiating mechanism that is amenable to specific treatment — for example , paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with amiodarone ; an accessory pathway with ablation ; a gradient with β blockers , calcium antagonists , or myectomy ; conduction disease with a pacemaker ; refractory sustained ventricular arrhythmias with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator ; and relative ischaemia in the presence of normal coronary vessels with nitrates and calcium antagonists .
8 The post-void study revealed a , a residual volume of more than a hundred mils in about a third of patients , .
9 A recent ad for follow-on milk , quoting from an article in the British Medical Journal , stated that cow 's milk given at six months caused ‘ subclinical but appreciable gastro-intestinal bleeding in about a third of children . ’
10 WKSH allows programmers to write windowing apps in shell language , reportedly in about a tenth of the time of an equivalent C-based X Windows application .
11 The result is that the hammer or the bullet is pressing against its target for a period , perhaps about a hundredth of a second , which is very long compared with the time which is required to conduct the energy away from the point of impact in the form of waves of sound or stress .
12 This is remarkable given that the … scheme makes up only about a fifth of the total legal aid budget . ’
13 A local estate agent carried out his own survey of the property and came up with a figure only about a fifth of the official valuation .
14 Cov 's ground is undergoing building so the traditional away end is closed which left the away fans only about a 3rd of one stand .
15 The oilbird 's click lasts for about a hundredth of a second and is not a single sound but a burst of pulses , each only about a thousandth of a second long .
16 Mr Bob Wybrow of Gallup reckons that year by year only about a tenth of his own time is occupied with politics , and ‘ about two per cent of the organisation 's time ’ , though of course this doubles in an election year .
17 Delta is a short-period pulsating variable , and the prototype of its class , but as the range is only about a tenth of a magnitude it need not concern us here .
18 By 1913–14 , over £25,000 was being given away in this manner and in return the Central Office agents were able to ensure the appointment of suitable constituency agents and the choice of good candidate The outlay constituted only about a tenth of the whole of the local parties " expenditure , but a much higher proportion of the expenditure of the backward parties most in need of reform .
19 At the end of the fifth month the length has grown to around 250 millimetres about half the length of a full-term baby but the weight is still only about a tenth of what it will be at birth .
20 Whereas only about a third of local residents paid full rates , most adults will pay the charge .
21 Questionnaires sent out as part of the HSC employment department 's 1990 labour force survey showed that only about a third of reportable accidents appear in official statistics , that 2 million people have illnesses they believe are caused or made worse by work , and that work related accidents and ill health are probably resulting in about 30m days off work a year in the UK .
22 The Department of Transport estimates that before belts were compulsory , only about a third of people in the front seats of cars wore them .
23 Only about a third of the members are so awful as to be frightening .
24 In practice , not all fires were used at the peak , but even at the higher real prewar price levels , research had shown that only about a third of the costs imposed by the peak space heating demand were being recovered in contemporary domestic tariffs .
25 However , it is worth noting that Sigma ( 4.7 ) , between Delta and Epsilon and in the same field with Epsilon , is one of the nearer stars , only 19 light-years away and only about a third as luminous as the Sun .
26 At the beginning of the century only about a third of the population lived in towns .
27 Calvin Hall 's large survey of dream content showed that only about a third of the total number of dreams reported contained references to colour .
28 Women 's disadvantaged position is confirmed by unpublished figures from the Department of Employment ( based on a sample of people receiving payments direct from their employers ) which show that in 1986 only about a third of all payments went to women .
29 So to our surprise of this cohort of patients who would have had a T U R , only about a third had obstruction .
30 The state railways pay a user charge to the track authority , which is broadly equivalent to the charges faced by road users and covers only about a third of total infrastructure costs .
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