Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [det] as " in BNC.

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1 But it was not the face , or the manner which struck Wilson most so much as the lithesome body .
2 Much better to get involved with someone who had plunged fully into the sea of life than with someone who had stood wimpishly on the edge , afraid to dip in so much as a toe .
3 ‘ — and I was placed between Harry Burrows and Piers Langley and they told me all about hunting round here and really it was so interesting that I hardly noticed what we ate , some sort of fish and pheasant I think and , oh yes , there was an ice but by that stage , you know , I did n't have the smallest corner to put in so much as a mouthful — ’
4 I know we crea we 've created the stand up between them in so much as s she blames for what 's happened t to her .
5 I think this motion is addressing the problem of Cambridge city and that the people that we feel we should be erm affiliating in so much as they need the housing .
6 She did not want to see him , and did so as little as possible .
7 So as much as the reviewers ' preferences shine through , I still feel that they review without prejudice .
8 Some woman-centred psychologists think , too , that only a woman should study female subjects , and that she should do so as much as possible , because only she can understand them .
9 So he said he did n't care where he went so as much as to say so I thought right then we 'll go to the Regal tonight .
10 Each dt fusion released 17 MeV of energy , and so as few as eight sequential dt fusions are sufficient to release more energy than is contained in a muon at rest ( its ‘ rest energy ’ or mass ) .
11 An unsigned act which is being chased by half a dozen record companies does have some leverage in negotiations , but only as much as the levels of supply and demand will allow .
12 ‘ We will set ourselves a budget each year and do only as much as we can afford .
13 It is a spiritual principle that we will receive only as much as we are prepared to use .
14 My gardening activities are , perhaps , slightly unorthodox , in that I make a point of growing plants whose flowers are known to be attractive to insects , plant flowers and vegetables together , tidy and prune only as much as is absolutely necessary , encourage plants , even ‘ weeds ’ , that give continuous ground cover , and rigorously exclude poisonous chemicals .
15 Each time you feed , remember : only as much as they will eat in five minutes . .
16 Dice up the leaves and feed only as much as the fish will consume in ten minutes .
17 You can decide to be imperfect , to do things in your own time , to please yourself , not to be strong and to try only as much as you like .
18 After 24 hours , fill cavities with a two-part repair material , mixing only as much as you can use in about five minutes ( less in hot weather )
19 Only as much as is necessary .
20 Oxford Crown court heard that the 4 year old girl who weighed only as much as a toddler half her age was found covered in bruises and under nourished .
21 They want to have babies , but only as many as they can care for .
22 Well obviously as little as possible because
23 Get in contact with your lender as soon as you realise that you may have a problem meeting the repayments and continue to pay monthly as much as you can afford .
24 Put in as many as the bottle will hold conveniently , and put it in a warm sunny place for 12 hours , and keep warm for the next 12 , then remove the spikes .
25 Now that he was getting on in years he wanted to take things just that little bit easy , not see patient after patient , cramming in as many as possible , but space them out — eight , ten a day was enough — for with his practice so long established and his clientele so solid he could n't imagine any reason to fear blanks in his appointments book .
26 This project aims to fill in as many as possible of the gaps in our knowledge of dialect grammar .
27 She took in as many as she could .
28 Some studies indicate strikingly high rates , with avoidant personality disorder developing in as many as 33% of anorexic restricters and borderline personality disorder developing in almost 40% of anorexic bulimic patients .
29 So a modern engine can need decarbonising in as little as 20,000 miles from new .
30 The patient was probably already in the second stage of muscle pain , leading to the destruction of the muscle , something that could happen in as little as ten days .
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