Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their success in gripping the public mind can be compared today only to the most avidly watched television programmes .
2 She was carrying a small spear and only just had time to raise it and thrust it at the Scarag .
3 We only just got word and they better not find your Kevin . ’
4 But Community Care can reveal how she so easily fell prey to her son and lost almost everything .
5 Yet for the growth of the later strident and vigorous anticlericalism , the self-consciousness of the laity was a prerequisite , and on a national scale it is by no means certain that this lay identity would have come about so forcefully or so quickly had parliament not been ready to hand as a vehicle in which to rally hostility and an instrument by which to further it .
6 Publicly at least , Hogan — now an octogenarian — only once gave tongue to that exultant ‘ I 've got it ! ’ claim .
7 We only ever had cream of mushroom .
8 ‘ So many people have said to me over the years that it is very sad I never bore Norman a child , that I only ever had stepchildren to love .
9 Surely they must have some doubts , made some mental reservations to the creed they so confidently recited morning and night .
10 Only much later did riot police intervene to disperse the protesters .
11 So far had music come in the sixteen years since Palestrina 's death .
12 Only now did war come to the Crimea .
13 The Community long ago adopted VAT as its standard form of indirect tax .
14 We long ago lost count of the number of satisfied customers with whom we have , over the years shared our holiday philosophy and way of life .
15 Durkheim ( 1893 ) , in his discussion of the ‘ abnormal forms ’ of the division of labour , long ago drew attention to what he regarded as a condition of ‘ anomie ’ in the sphere of production , characterized by the absence of a body of rules governing the relations between different social functions — above all between labour and capital — and saw as both probable and desirable a growing normative regulation of industrial relations .
16 And yet it may still be true that he came within minutes of Jerome 's flight , found the man only stunned , stooped close and knew him , for then knowing was possible , and killed him , and only then took thought how to escape suspicion , and came running into the town , to me . ’
17 Pons agreed that Jones originally argued with the theoretical aspects of their proposal but later became convinced by them and only then offered cooperation .
18 Only then did Folly realise that she had left her purse behind .
19 Only then did Parliament proceed to the enactment of the legislation which , in the eyes of British ( although not Irish ) constitutional law , established the Irish Free State ( the Irish Free State ( Agreement ) Act , incorporating the December agreement into United Kingdom law , the Irish Free State ( Constitution ) Act and the Irish Free State ( Consequential Provisions ) Act , all 1922 ) , and preserved the union in relation to Northern Ireland .
20 Only then did party members begin to identify with one or other wing — and it was a minority of non-party workers who could differentiate at all between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks .
21 Although the ‘ swingingness ’ of the 1960s had been absent in the 1970s and 1980s , drug-taking had increased among young and old alike ( 'coke' if you were middle-class , glue-sniffing if you were poor ) , and so too had alcoholism .
22 Lord Poulett recognised the dream jockey 's face , and right away made contact with him .
23 Now policemen , we used to have to give these blessed people these tickets , and we used to have a book , and they just merely gave name , age , occupation , which was nearly always labourer , where , and they had to tell us where they came from and where they intended going to , and more often that was from Stowmarket to , or the other way round .
24 Now , for the first time , I was surrounded by people who not only had cancer , but unlike those in hospital , knew that they had it .
25 By the 1930s not only had admission to a profession become the goal of every middle-class family in the land , but they had come to seem bulwarks of society .
26 Not only had Yolland been deceived about the BCR 's intentions at Stretford Bridge ; he had also failed to realise that the need to reverse trains at Lydham Heath made tender first running on some part of the line inevitable , whether or not there was a turntable at the lower end of the railway .
27 Not only had Margrida assumed that Simon was her boyfriend , but Celeste had clearly thought the same yesterday — and just now a hearty , middle-aged Dalgety executive had stopped her to say how fortunate their new driver was to have such a pretty and successful young lady as his amor .
28 Not only had travel been impossible , it felt like ages since she had seen any beautiful clothes or touched any rich materials .
29 Not only had Lothar consolidated his position west of the Meuse ; he had heavily defeated Louis the German 's forces in the Rhineland and driven Louis back to Bavaria .
30 Not only had dialogue with the French communist party on this highly sensitive issue rapidly degenerated into counter-productive name calling , but also Sartre himself had been gradually moving progressively closer during the late 1940s and early 1950s to the politics of the PCF .
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