Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 In the problem of consumption , therefore , urban sociology has not only at long last discovered an object of analysis ; it has helped identify one of the core questions of the modern age .
2 Adam Smith did not deny that there were bad examples within the " system of repairing the highroads by tolls " , but in 1776 thought this was because the system was not then of long standing .
3 She would go off alone for long walks over the cliffs — something she had never done before in winter .
4 The 20-mile chalk stream has dwindled to a trickle , and it dried up altogether for long periods in the past three drought years , after the drilling of six drinking water boreholes by the Thames Water Authority ( now the Thames Water company ) lowered the water table .
5 Even as he uses the accommodation in Annexe A to manoeuvre Serafin into discovering for himself the waiting garret , so he is using the garret to manoeuvre him into rejecting all the proposed associates in Annexe B. Once Serafin has insisted on installing himself in the garret — against all reasonable advice — he is going to discover that the kind of staff he needs will be young and agile , with a good knowledge of the backstairs of Government buildings and an ability to duck their heads and remain inclined slightly forwards for long periods of time .
6 Tony and I reckon that when Matt goes to heaven he 'll have his nose in an Ordnance Survey Map and he 'll be saying , " If I remember rightly there should be an old bloke around here with long grey hair and a grey beard and a long white nightie on .
7 All that remains to be said is incised on stone , and the living go around silently with long faces and glances that mean ‘ I ca n't tell you how sorry I am , but I do know how you feel . ’
8 The conductor was babbling on good-naturedly about long train journeys but Donna scarcely heard what he said .
9 But Virginia Woolf 's mature novels consist almost entirely of long passages of introspection by the characters in free indirect style , punctuated by banal conversational remarks and parenthetical reports of trivial actions .
10 Mention has been made to the paperwork , I think that it 's worth reminding ourselves that a lot of the paperwork that has been generated , is a direct result of Conservative government introduced legislation , particularly cri criminal justice er , legislation , which requires a considerable amount of paperwork , erm , to be completed by officers , quite often in long , in longhand , and not making use of technology , where in fact they er , a great deal of time and effort could be con , er could be er , saved .
11 Girls ' underachievement relates to specific areas of mathematics , especially those involving measurements and the concepts which underlie them ; this kind of underachievement is almost certainly of long standing .
12 Customer loyalty depends very much on long term customer satisfaction and belief that the school is providing quality education .
13 The most obvious clue to its presence is its movement , so in order for its camouflage to work it must be prepared to remain very still for long periods of time , or at least to alter its position very slowly and gently .
14 The whole incident was a very sore point with my crew , who had worked very hard for long hours on this one , and it was a classic illustration of how our laws often seem to lean over backwards to protect the lawbreakers .
15 Inset Left : Designed for deep sea work but often used on relatively shallow canals this diving gear allowed men to work safely underwater for long periods .
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