Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [be] just " in BNC.

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1 Right I was just reading here about about er er the funeral in Northern Ireland and the minister would n't let the erm flag draped coffins of two I R A go into the church with the insignia and whatever on top of the coffins there .
2 So , right I 'm just wary of the time
3 Right I 'm just about to start bar fourteen .
4 Right I 'm just going into the kitchen to help out .
5 I just like , I just like , I know places , like I was told when I was meeting the girls yesterday , I did n't know what road I was going on I was just telling like , people names of the pubs and luckily this , like , bloke behind me getting on the bus , said oh you need a like , a seventy P or something and that 's when I knew where I was going and everyone 's like telling me where to get off , everyone gestures to me .
6 Only I was just scared — I could have broken her in two with my bare hands and I was scared to death of her .
7 And also had interest last week about two minutes I sat down I was just sitting comfortable
8 But perhaps I 'm just dreaming .
9 Then he said in a calmer voice , ‘ Well , perhaps I 'm just trying to make up for lost time . ’
10 Perhaps I 'm just tired .
11 Perhaps I 'm just getting paranoid . ’
12 Perhaps I 'm just unused to getting them from you , ’ she countered .
13 Perhaps I was just being a ridiculous prig , behaving quite differently from anyone else who had ever been taken prisoner .
14 It could be that he felt I represented authority or the establishment in some way , or perhaps I was just convenient
15 And Celia comes and she 's cheerful and she does the admin with them , she organizes it and I just personally I 'm just so grateful the best thing which has happened to me .
16 So I am just throwing it out in the air , I do n't think it 's that s
17 This has n't been used for some time so it 's a bit so I 'm just going to wipe it out so there are no particles or foreign bodies in there .
18 so I 'm just , you know , unemployed again .
19 So I 'm just , I 'll walk down , how far is it from here down to the main road along the road ?
20 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
21 So I 'm just wondering whether this is a different variety and because it was two years ago , I three years ago now I think .
22 so I 'm just making it
23 So I 'm just go through
24 And to be fair to you I 'm again going to give you a few minutes to talk about that , not quite as long as the other time , then I 'll ask you to jot a couple of things down as well as , so I 'm just telling you in advance .
25 He 's had me there specifically , so I 'm just wasting my time .
26 So I 'm just after the tube really .
27 So I 'm just hoping those roller boots are gon na fit her now .
28 Yeah hello mate yeah yeah I do n't know I 've not received it yet no so I 'm just waiting for er someone to bomb into my office yeah do you want it , what , what , do you want it colour mate or black and white ?
29 So I 'm just erm
30 so I 'm just looking for er a T-shirt or something for Lisa no you ca n't have the pen it 's too sharp yeah , you 're crafty you are are n't you , you can get zips open now mm
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