Example sentences of "[adv] [art] great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Berge and the entire Mitterrand government were made to look complete fools when , a few weeks later , he was appointed to succeed Sir Georg Solti as head of the Chicago Symphony — arguably the great powerhouse of American orchestras .
2 Presumably the great advantage of word-processing , if , if you have the sort of decent printer that you mentioned , is that you could send what appear to be rather personal letters to a whole lot of people rather rapidly erm putting in , for example , at a very elementary level , their individual name , but also coupling together relevant paragraphs erm which would be appropriate to them .
3 I remember mostly the great joy and vitality of the churches and communities I visited .
4 Slowly the great sun through the heaven moves
5 Slowly the great globe of Chung Kuo turned in space , moving through sunlight and darkness , the blank faces of its continents glistening like ice caps beneath huge swirls of cloud .
6 Slowly the great room emptied until only the six T'ang and the two young boys remained .
7 The Pandavas are banished to the forest for 12 years , but eventually the great war comes …
8 To die from a bullet seems to be nothing ; parts of our being remain intact ; but to be dismembered , torn to pieces , reduced to pulp , this is a fear that flesh can not support and which is fundamentally the great suffering of the bombardment …
9 ‘ I wanted to carry on the great work that Nick had done and I wanted to broaden the paper 's scope .
10 Always bleating and moaning because he has n't got a son — no one to carry on the Great Name of Graham — She gave a short guffaw .
11 Taken on the Great Barrier Reef by Chris Howes .
12 In Lorenzo the Magnificent 's anniversary year , this publisher is also bringing out an edition of the inventory of the entire Medici residence taken on the great ruler 's death , L'inventario in morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico , edited by M. Spallanzani and G. Gaeta Bertelà .
13 By contrast with what it saw as the corrosive and unbelieving spirit of the age , that movement was deeply concerned to recover and reinstate the ancient doctrines of the faith , especially the great dogmas hammered out in the early centuries ; and with them to restore the sense of continuity and rich unbroken tradition which found its expression especially in ritual and liturgy .
14 Also there were major repairs to property to decide on , as well as seasonal considerations , and orders to transmit , with regard to land use of many thousands of acres , the annual survey of cattle and horse stock and especially the great sheep-hirsels in the Lammermuir Hills , the wool from which , largely exported to Flanders and the Low Countries from Berwick-on-Tweed , constituted the lordship 's principal source of wealth .
15 Some had existed from the fourth and fifth centuries on — especially the great pilgrim basilicas of Rome , with St Peter and St Paul fuori le mura in the lead .
16 I joined a party to climb down the great west cliffs to the boulder scree of Carn Mør , where we stayed until darkness fell and listened to the calls of Manx shearwater , Leach 's and storm petrels as they came in from the ocean to feed their young , hidden deep under the boulders .
17 His most effective early church planter laid down the great missionary principle of becoming all things to all men that by all means he might win some .
18 The study doors are those that face one as one comes down the great staircase .
19 Others , such as the fault that let down the great thickness of Mesozoic in Cardigan Bay ( to the west of Wales ) must have been much later , though they served to define basins that were presumably already there .
20 Fenella , who on Renascia had walked everywhere , found her breath snatched from her as her mount followed Caspar down the great avenue of beeches that guarded Tara and out on to the Tree-fringed high road .
21 Behold how I lay down the great weight of sorrow I have carried with me so long .
22 And when her tears mixed with the salty tears that fell down the great beast 's cheek , the spell was released , and he stood before her , a golden-haired young man in hunting-costume .
23 Half-way down the great boulevard a fakir shouted up to Dara that previously he had always been generous to the poor ; but now he understood that Dara had nothing to give .
24 The hours slid slowly down the great entropy slope of the universe .
25 Perhaps the great ones of the land knew something different and should be approached .
26 This was obviously the Great Controller In The Sky having a laugh .
27 Obviously not being aware that there 's er a population of eight billion forecast for the year two thousand and erm obviously with the natural resources of erm gas and coal running out and the , the pollution problems you 've got with coal and obviously the great efficiency of sixty times more efficient than other forms of power .
28 The Honourable A. P. J. Vigars , who was at Cambridge two years ahead of Howard ; the retiring figure in Trinity of whom all the great men of Howard 's generation were in awe .
29 So the great methods of exercising pressure were votes , speeches , the use of procedure to delay a measure and the demand for the relevant documents to be published or for the appointment of a select committee .
30 So the great debate has taken place — and its overwhelming conclusion is that ‘ the traditional ethos of British climbing ’ ( stand up and define it anyone bold enough to try ) ‘ is being endangered by sport climbing . ’
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