Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The Sir Richard Arkwright and Company mill at Cromford , a familiar sight to travellers along the main Derby-Buxton-Manchester road , only ceased spinning in November 1991 — latterly as part of the Coates Viyella group .
2 Not only were various articles stolen , but a clay statue was smashed , presumably as part of a search for valuables .
3 Presumably as part of his attempt to rule Kent , Cenwulf gave the abbey of St Augustine 's Canterbury to his relative Cunred and the nunnery of Minster-in-Thanet to his daughter Cwenthryth .
4 In their overheated frustration this Monday evening at Old Trafford they let themselves down badly through ignorance of the laws of cricket .
5 People murmured that this would never have happened in Cromwell 's day , albeit secretly for fear of the authorities .
6 The mood is similar , somewhere between awe of their opponents and their colossal price tags and the usual infectious optimism .
7 After twenty years ' teaching at Goldsmiths ' College in South London , mostly as head of fine art , Jon Thompson has been headhunted by the Jan Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht .
8 The foundations of modern archaeology were laid down in the 17th century , and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emphasis was put on the recording of archaeological monuments , initially as part of general topographical works , but eventually as part of a study of the monuments themselves .
9 Only with the passage of time did the two channels come to be seen widely as part of a single public service system .
10 Former Civic Forum chairman and federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus was elected overwhelmingly as chairman of the new party .
11 For years , the Tory Government has gone on about freedom of choice in education but it has only been those with money who have had any real choice .
12 And how pathetically ironic that a bunch of Americans , who normally carp on about freedom of speech and the First Amendment , resort to crushing records which contain perfectly innocent torch songs when they defend to the hilt the right of misogynist swine like 2 Live Crew to peddle their filth with impunity .
13 He says well I , we were on about sort of and he says bring it up at the next meeting , I says
14 Depressed moods are the most difficult moods for dieting , and such is the mood-lifting effect of exercise that it is even being used medically as part of the treatment for depression .
15 Apart from short leases , it has long been the practice for business tenancies to provide expressly for insurance of premises against fire and other damage .
16 The second was a law enforcement action brought by the Crown ; he referred in particular to such an action brought under a statute which provided expressly for enforcement of a provision of the statute by civil proceedings by the Crown , which was the position in the Hoffmann-La Roche case [ 1975 ] A.C. 295 where the Crown was proceeding pursuant to a provision of the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control ) Act 1948 .
17 As the cyclist who organised the commuter challenge , I agree with Bernard Povey ( letters , 5 July ) that the route from Currie to the city centre is downhill for part of the way .
18 We have used this procedure successfully during extraction of small samples of RNA ( by the guanidine isothiocyanate- phenol-chloroform method [ Chomczynski and Sacchi , 1987 ] ) and DNA .
19 All right as name of café , but no more .
20 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
21 Only then will the necessary biocides and corrosion inhibitors be able to work effectively as part of a continuous water treatment programme , which is supplied and monitored by Rentokil 's service .
22 A study was undertaken by one of the authors in 1977 to investigate how trade exhibitions could be used more effectively as part of a communications programme , and the summary of the results of this study forms the remainder of this section ( Lancaster and Baron , 1977 ) .
23 Child suffers on for need of op
24 If a woman makes the slightest mistake it 's pounced on as evidence of her general incompetence .
25 PETER SHILTON is 90 minutes from a potential disaster — but the former England international vows to carry on as player-manager of Plymouth even if the club lose to non-League Dorking tomorrow .
26 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
27 Work going on as part of the resource management initiative is designed to overcome this problem , and eventually it will produce the information that is lacking .
28 One is simply placing a microphone in the corner of a bar and hoping that people will listen , and another is putting comedians on as part of a disco .
29 The Pioneers did not ‘ attempt to carry it on as part of their own activities under the control of the general body of members ’ .
30 Work in this area might usefully go on as part of a larger , more focused programme .
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