Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the more " in BNC.

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1 The main problem I encountered concerned the 1Mb of on-board RAM , which was n't enough for the more complicated graphics output .
2 [ P. 392 ] Formen contains many of the elements of Marx 's evolutionary theory concerning pre-capitalist systems , and it also contains much about the more immediate origins of capitalism .
3 However , the party did not follow this line ; otherwise they would have opposed independence for the more advanced Poland , Finland , the Baltic States and the Ukraine , and supported it only for the more backward minorities .
4 Whatever the method chosen , these invitations were issued only for the more important — i.e. expensive — funerals ; those of lesser rank had to rely on word of mouth .
5 This duly transpires , but only for the more serious offenders .
6 Political theories and doctrines are both affected by political conditions and the needs of practical action , just as they influence them in turn ; and changes in these conditions are largely responsible not only for the more or less continuous process of reinterpretation of the ideologies of political parties and movements , but also for the more profound revision of theoretical conceptions .
7 Some of the most important petrographic uses of CL are outlined below for the more common sedimentary rock types .
8 Waiting at the pier approach , perhaps for the more genteel , was a line of carriages read to take visitors to Durlston , Studland , or just along the seafront to Ulwell .
9 And these are matters that we are , and will be for the future the immediate future and perhaps for the more distant future thoroughly engaged upon because there are very deep questions here and the sacramental one hinges upon the ecclesial one .
10 Beautiful woman , internationally known , wife of talented fashion designer — it was heaven-sent copy , especially for the more sensational press .
11 ( According to these advertisements a large proportion of the population wears white from head to toe , especially for the more messy activities .
12 The real measure of the show 's international appeal is its inclusion not only of the more traditional Italian names , but also a remarkable array of French ( Prud'hon , Fragonard , Natoire ) and Northern drawings , ( notably Goltzius and Spranger ) and nineteenth-century artists including Adolph Menzel and , too little known outside their native Italy , Bartolomeo Pinelli , Vincenzo Gemito and Vincenzo Camuccini .
13 I think there are still some quite pronounced regional differences between the North and the South and between particularly Scotland and Northern Ireland and the rest of the country — would you see any further coming together of the more expensive properties and the cheaper properties ?
14 It has worked effectively , especially against the more attacking sides .
15 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
16 Only with the more entrepreneurial activities of the lower class — from bookmaking to thieving — did the gospel of urban moralizing combine with an economic imperative .
17 But such long-termism is out of step not only with the more immediate demands of industry , but the drum of government policy .
18 A market economy that registers only effective demands made upon it may find or tend towards an ‘ equilibrium ’ that does not coincide with full employment , and hence the manipulation of aggregate demand ( especially via the more potent fiscal weapons ) can produce a preferred path for the economy .
19 More often , the subject lies concealed somewhat under the more visible question of wages .
20 Alan set up the legal part of it and the political side and I would come in with the more spiritual side of it : the demand for separation from the Irish Presbyterian Church that was operating in cahoots with O'Neill at that time .
21 Rarer species of snowdrops are being indiscriminately harvested along with the more common ones .
22 Every cracker contains a packet of seed along with the more traditional contents .
23 The purpose of this chapter is to review such developments along with the more mundane business of recruiting new partners and opening new offices generally , and to analyse some of the problems they involve .
24 The common experience of Christianity , of similar concepts of family , together with the more recent experience of urbanisation and industrialisation , all mark Europe out as fundamentally different from the Arab world or from India .
25 Apart from confirmation that in dictatorships , scientific corruption flourishes together with the more venal kinds , perhaps it is that we should not accept the recent predictions of Argentina 's early possession of an independent nuclear arsenal without some reservation .
26 Hence ‘ Libretto ’ includes recordings not available elsewhere such as fauré 's Pénélope , Dukas 's Ariane et Barbe-Bleue and Chausson 's Le Roi Arthus , together with the more familiar Rossini Italian Girl in Algiers , Purcell 's Dido et Aeneas , Debussy 's Pélléas Mélisande , Offenbach 's La Périchole , Gounod 's Faust and from the English Baroque Soloists under John Eliot Gardiner , handel 's Tamerlano .
27 Employer policies in relation to trade unions , together with the more general role of employers and their organisations in industrial relations , are considered in the next chapter .
28 In fact , for a number of reasons including changes in the market situation of managers ( in terms of narrowing pay differentials and perceived increases in job insecurity ) together with the more ready conceding of union recognition for those employed in the public sector of the economy , managerial unionism increased markedly in Western Europe during the 1970s .
29 Together with the more refined landowners , they provided steadily widening scope for cultural , philanthropic , and professional organization and activity beyond the immediate control of the government .
30 With the signing late last year of Monotype , Compugraphic and AM Varityper together with the more recent additions of Scangraphic and Autologic there is little if any cause for complaint to be made .
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