Example sentences of "[adv] [be] party [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Explaining their resignations in terms of the desire to " recover [ their ] freedom " , Wade said that he and the other PDS ministers had been excluded from government action and had only been party to decisions over " trivial " issues .
2 It is not too awful to be confronted with people cleverer than oneself ( in science journalism it happens quite a lot ) but it is intolerable to share the world with people who apparently are party to bodies of knowledge and ways of thinking that make all one 's own ideas seem petty .
3 Ralph had planned it but they had all been party to his evil .
4 Again the point was made that the government of the Republic had not been party to any agreement regarding the status of Northern Ireland .
5 Eight other member country governments favoured a more or less automatic start to stage two in January 1994 , while the UK had not been party to the October 1990 decision and had presented its own " hard ecu " proposals [ see p. 37969 ] .
6 There remained doubts over implementing the accord , particularly because right-wing factions in the military and the wealthy ruling oligarchy had not been party to the talks , and because hardline elements within the FMLN might not accept the dropping of a previous key demand that either the army be disbanded or its ranks be reduced and the remainder merged into those of the guerrillas .
7 At least the knights had not been party to the massacre ; they had achieved their task and now looked for suitable reward .
8 Animals can not be parties to a lawsuit , or be said to be guilty , they can not be subject to the duties that attach to rights .
9 Tretorn , in filing its complaint , believes that the EC Commission 's lawyers may have missed the significance of the word in dispute ( ‘ type ’ ) because the LTA 's previous ball agreement , ( ie the one that the EC Commission was asked to consider ) contained no written reference to pressureless tennis balls , therefore ensuring that it could not be party to such vital information .
10 Although the European Community as a body can not be party to the Berne Convention ( since it is not a nation state ) , the Convention nevertheless specifically concerns the EC .
11 For this to be conceivable a specific decision must be taken by the British Government that Britain will not be party to political union in Europe .
12 Team one they want to put out more in the first division and , I could not be party to that team one and it was an atrocity to use such terminology .
13 Local authorities , although not being party to the devolution of the NHS provision , would have to be asked to take upon themselves a serious long-term support role .
14 In addition , and formally outside the scope of Lome IV , an extra 165 million ECU ( compared with 100 million ECU under Lome III ) would be made available under the EDF for aid to the overseas territories and dependencies of EC member countries , these territories themselves not being party to the convention .
15 Persons who have knowingly been parties to the carrying on of the company 's business to defraud creditors .
16 I wo n't be party to your bitching yourself on the sly .
17 I have certainly been party to one or two discussions amongst friends , and as part of my work I take groups of young people away on climbing trips , most to very white-dominated areas where the mere appearance of a black face in a pub or at a crag is enough to cause stares and whispers .
18 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
19 You should never be party to making anyone else do anything they do n't want to .
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