Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as she " in BNC.

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1 Five minutes went by as she reflected that Rosemary must be feeling as miserable as Travis , then , checking to see that Travis was all right as she passed , she went to bed .
2 Emily sighed heavily , no more would she sit beneath those trees reading or idling away her days so carelessly as she had done , was it only a few short weeks ago ?
3 She had forsaken her people and her father 's house , and had , like every other well-brought-up girl , established her own household and she should cleave only unto it , forsaking all others so long as she should live .
4 As she raised a hand to wipe them away she noticed how deeply the dirt had eaten into her fingernails , so that they were not , and so long as she worked never would be , pink and sweet and shell-like .
5 She did n't mind about that so long as she got a lovely little grave like Mrs Hollidaye 's baby daughter .
6 A woman like Sweetheart could have any man she chose , so long as she was willing to leave her son behind .
7 Over coffee in the study Miss Danziger thanked the guests individually for their concern , apologised for interrupting their enjoyment of an excellent meal , and explained that so long as she came out of the spasm in less than a minute and a half it was not dangerous and left no ill-effects .
8 So long as she stayed silent she had a secret weapon .
9 If the father is trying to instil good table manners while the mother is arguing , ‘ What does it matter , so long as she eats ? ’ , or the mother is trying to set up a sensible bedtime routine while father says ‘ Another half-hour wo n't hurt ’ , mealtimes and bedtimes will soon turn into problem areas .
10 But the widow of a vassal was commonly at the disposal of the vassal 's lord : so long as her consent was obtained ( by whatever means ) and so long as she was not disparaged , she could be married to whom the lord chose .
11 There she could call for any food or liquor she wanted , so long as she had the wherewithal to pay the inflated prices demanded by the Sponging House keeper .
12 On the drive back to London , Quinn was silent as Sam told him the outcome of her trip to Washington and the decision of the White House to let him have his head so long as she went with him .
13 She left this house to us , and an allowance to Emily so long as she did n't marry , and one to me so long as I stayed with her .
14 As for Selene , she was left a hundred pounds a year so long as she continued under her sister 's direction .
15 So long as she was n't out after dark , he supposed it would be all right .
16 USER FRIENDLY should make today another classic payday for local hero George Duffield so long as she gets the green light to tackle the Coalite St Leger at Doncaster .
17 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
18 Her son , who had scarcely known her but felt that his own throne was conceivably under threat so long as she lived , made no great show of grief when the news was brought to him .
19 Thereafter , she became a statutory tenant under section 2(1) ( a ) , and giving the words of that subsection their natural meaning , it would appear that she was by the Act to remain a statutory tenant so long as she continued in occupation of the dwelling-house .
20 I said , not caring a damn so long as she was here .
21 She will go free before I do and so long as she is captive will I be .
22 That it does n't matter if you cheat on your wife , so long as she does n't find out .
23 Hers was not a demanding character , and so long as she felt some evidence of a man 's care ( which living in Charles ' room would give her ) she would not need more .
24 For so long as she and Andrew were together , a pulse , a nerve , something integral to her loving would break free from her control to distort the nearest moment they might share .
25 The agreement recited that John had left all his estate to his executors by his will but that , shortly before his death , he had declared in the presence of several witnesses that he wished his widow to have the cottage for her life or so long as she continued a widow ; and that , though this wish was never put into writing , the executors were convinced that it was his desire and were willing and desirous that it should be put into effect .
26 The agreement stated that ‘ in consideration of such dfesire ’ the executors would convey the cottage to the widow for her life or so long as she should continue a widow .
27 In Dunton v. Dunton ( 1892 ) 18 V.L.R. 114 ( Supreme Court of Victoria ) , the Court ( Higinbotham and Williams JJ. , Hood J. dissenting ) held that an agreement between ex-spouses whereby the former husband undertook to pay the former wife £6 per month , ‘ so long as she … shall conduct herself with sobriety , and in a respectable , orderly , and virtuous manner ’ was a valid contract made for a consideration .
28 381 , 384 ‘ There is no doubt that at common law if a wife chooses wilfully and without justification to live away from her husband she can not , so long as she continues absent , render him liable for the necessaries supplied to her , or for her maintenance by the union , for the reason that she has of her own free will deprived herself of the opportunity which the husband was affording her of being maintained in the home .
29 But the relief of the husband from the obligation of maintenance continues only so long as she voluntarily remains absent .
30 So long as she looked after the child , she would be entitled to £1 a week .
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