Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True , on the first working day after the bomb , business did go on much as usual .
2 True , Novell seems to be promising that life will go on much as usual .
3 She said she thought it was all right as long as he had squared the matter with his own family .
4 Setting prices in relation to costs is all right as long as the latter are under control , but here they clearly are n't : it is obvious that if Marie 's back is turned , food either gets wasted or goes missing .
5 ‘ I 'm all right as long as I know where things are going , but it 's not on a par with planning a legal argument . ’
6 Skiing is all right as long as you do n't take risks .
7 4 Never make your students feel stupid or ignorant ; if you want to make a joke at a student 's expense , that 's all right as long as he does n't mind his leg being pulled .
8 Some researchers with whom discussions have been held admit to copying theses obtained on inter-library loan , and justify such behaviour by saying that ‘ it 'll be all right as long as I do n't publish ’ .
9 Voice not so loud as Great Spotted .
10 Drums fairly often in spring , not so loud as Great Spotted , but lasting longer , two seconds , with 10–30 blows .
11 Calls ‘ teu ’ , ‘ teeoo ’ , ‘ chik ’ , etc. not so loud as other shanks , also a liquid twittering trill .
12 So long as international affairs were left to the uncontrolled interplay of nation states , mutual suspicion would generate arms races which , in turn , would generate wars .
13 Au these possibilities are recognized in EC competition policy , and are given exemption from Article 85 so long as certain safeguards are in place .
14 Its distribution in space becomes more and more contorted by the velocity fluctuations , but so long as molecular diffusion plays no role , the marked fluid is always just the same fluid .
15 So long as criminological theory drew from ahistorical empirical data from the United States and Europe it was possible to construct theories relatively consistent with the available evidence .
16 So long as political elites are capable of providing policy leadership , the roles and behaviour of public agency administrators are simple .
17 Indeed , so long as total pleasure just outweighs total pain an ever increasing population is likely to be a more effective way of increasing happiness than making life better for each individual .
18 So long as other leaders do not follow Dubček 's example , Moscow can be confident of dealing with known quantities in its client states and of possessing means to manipulate factional rivalries to its own advantage .
19 For example , if he learnt that the patient was a Jehovah 's Witness , but had no evidence of a refusal to accept blood transfusions , he would avoid or postpone any blood transfusion so long as possible .
20 And there is plenty to read and write even when there is strict censorship and the theatres are closed , so long as trustworthy domestic service gives one the time .
21 As Sir Patrick Geddes , an early sociologist , commented in 1904 : ‘ Whether , under favourable circumstances and the rare public spirit of private owners , much can be done , or to any wide extent , so long as absolute individual ownership in land and ground values is allowed , seems to me very doubtful . ’
22 So long as religious music and sophisticated secular music shared the common techniques of imitative polyphony they naturally preserved a relationship the closeness of which is demonstrated by the numerous paraphrase Masses based on madrigals or chansons .
23 That prospect is anyway slight so long as Soviet-American cosiness continues and Iraq 's war machine remains broken .
24 Socialist proponents of the use of markets do not suggest that markets can simply be retained , so long as private ownership of the means of production is abolished .
25 From as early as 1708 most Tories were pushing for peace , so long as suitable terms could be reached with France .
26 So long as full employment was sustained by government policy , wage inflation was a natural consequence .
27 It is entirely in accordance with common sense , so long as common sense is intelligently applied .
28 So long as parliamentary sovereignty remains " the one fundamental law " of the Constitution , there is no way in which substantive rights can be entrenched and put beyond the reach of Parliament .
29 Clearly , so long as ministerial assurances are honoured , rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure .
30 American officials generously agree that there is nothing wrong with government schemes to spend money on PCs , so long as foreign firms have a fair chance to bid for orders .
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