Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and for " in BNC.

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1 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
2 The angels said it would be all right and for the first time , she thought , What if it is n't ?
3 The Church of purgatory was the " suffering " Church and the dead for Innocent existed only through and for the living .
4 1 He shot down once and for all the established accounts of British politics ; they were " quite wrong " as descriptions and explanations of how things worked .
5 Thank you Rosetta for doing so willingly and for demonstrating such enthusiasm ideas and flair for the job .
6 In this book we will be using the ‘ C-word ’ in these senses to refer to the present penal situation in England and Wales , albeit with slight embarrassment and the worry that it has been used so often and for so long that there is a danger that it may be losing its dramatic impact .
7 That 's it like a st stage is here , I mean it 's very awkward to caterer for people down here and for the stages on the same menu .
8 The game lasted three days mainly because Sampson batted so well and for five hours , making 81 ( 68 runs with the bat and 13 wides ) .
9 so silently and for so long …
10 Then along the 1-direction we have the forces and so on and for equilibrium In general , therefore , as stated .
11 It was not like Karr to use his privilege so crudely and for a moment he had been concerned by his friend 's behaviour .
12 Unfortunately confidence in this practice was somewhat sapped when the House of Lords decided that , if the officer of the company who certified the transfer did so fraudulently and for his own purposes when sufficient share certificates had not in fact been lodged , the company was not liable .
13 Yet if we are going to approach language as isolated artificially constructed sentences , even if only occasionally and for limited purposes , we do need to make a case for this , and not just do it because that is the tradition : in the mother tongue classroom , for the foreign language learner , or in linguistics .
14 The physical body or matter vibrates at the slowest or densest frequency ; the subtle body , like electricity , vibrates much faster and for this reason we are usually unaware of its existence .
15 The teacher works , whether consciously or unconsciously on his own lines and not in and for his children .
16 Tell her it 's over once and for all .
17 The Court of Appeal accepted that software was not a commodity that was handed over once and for all and that it would usually require testing and further modification .
18 Equating grade C with a pass was just historical , harking back to the days of the O-level , he explained , and the Government was keen to get away once and for all from the pass/fail idea .
19 This was once Oloron 's cathedral , in the centuries up until 1790 , when the French Revolution did away once and for all with the bishopric .
20 Sadly he died shortly afterwards and for many reasons it was some months before I used the disc .
21 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
22 His lace assumes a natural look he 's able to sit up and breathe more normally and for a time seems well My dear Dr Dunstaple , perhaps you could explain to us why , if the symptoms are caused , as you seem to believe , by damage to the lungs or by a poison circulating in the blood and depressing the action of the heart … why it 's possible that these symptoms should thus be suspended by an injection of warm water holding a little salt in solution ? "
23 Bigger animals , such as humans , horses , and cows , have relatively more dark meat , made of many slow muscle fibres that can sustain activity much more cheaply and for longer periods than fast fibres .
24 From an idealised , spiritual love for Kee which always had something sickly and perverse about it , he plunged into the lightless sub-world of labour , submerging himself in its mean and desperate poverty , as if to kill off once and for all the romanticism which had brought him nothing but pain .
25 The taunts and torments from the terraces that made Adams ’ life a misery have now been shaken off once and for all .
26 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
27 During a hesitant phase , a speaker would pause more often and for longer periods in the long clauses , than during a fluent phase .
28 An obvious answer is to have this basic groundwork done by a much smaller group who would meet more regularly and for longer periods at a stretch .
29 The models were also approached more closely and for a longer duration when presented with large crests ( female responses : for closest approach , log-likelihood ratio G =63.8 , d.f .
30 Kate had come across them all her working life , from the solicitors who tried to get off known offenders to the social workers who stood up in courts of law and gave character references for people who should have been locked up once and for all .
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