Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] do not " in BNC.

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1 The fact that this is happening so widely does not make it any less unwelcome , and I would like to express my own thanks to staff for their steadfastness and continuing hard work in these conditions .
2 Those who declared an average farm income of 20% or less obviously did not look on the off-farm job in this way .
3 The discussion so far does not imply that piecemeal improvements of conservation programmes have not occurred .
4 The government had hoped that left wing councils , especially those in the inner cities , would lose their schools , but the evidence so far does not bear this out .
5 A local study exposure programme arranges visits to deprived areas that so far do not have organised activities .
6 Proponents of this approach tend to feel that the changes made so far do not go far enough , however , and that excessive consideration for the biological parent-child relationship is still being allowed to put the child 's future at risk .
7 Moreover , as mentioned earlier , the figures presented so far do not include a range of fringe benefits usually the privilege of non-manual employees which have a real income value : among these are luncheon vouchers , company cars , credit facilities ( cheap company loans ) , and so on .
8 Unfortunately , this further emphasises the separateness of old people ( not dissimilar to mothers of young children ) precisely because they so often do not share in this extended range of opportunities and are more dependent on what is locally available .
9 They are always available to discuss any product or service , so please do not hesitate to contact them .
10 So please do not delay returning your application .
11 Demand is likely to be high from Flower Fairy collectors old and new , so please do not hesitate .
12 We emphasise that the service is managed by Motor Engineers and Assessors independent of the Insurance Company and no reports of these Safety Checks will be referred to your Insurance Company , so please do not refrain from availing of the service because of unfounded fears in this regard .
13 Twenty years ago , the technology needed to bind the individual media together simply did not exist .
14 Unfortunately , in this case , diagrams of 187 Os/ 188 Os against 1/Os and so on do not help to constrain mixing hypotheses further , presumably because concentrations of Os are affected by its compatible behaviour during magma generation and differentiation processes .
15 Shareholders , banks and so on do not necessarily tightly constrain managers essentially because they lack enough information to do so , and this is either a result of some problem in the market for information ( e.
16 And Clara saw that Mrs Hanney 's ignominy was complete , for this programme , the name of which her mother so evidently did not forget , was considered by her mother to be the very lowest form of entertainment available , designed for the exceptionally stupid and depraved .
17 The foreign domicile alone therefore does not enable the taxpayer to make use of these provisions .
18 To Arnold the term philistine implied the idea of something stiff-necked and perverse in its resistance to light — ‘ and therein it specially suits our middle class , who not only do not pursue sweetness and light , but who even prefer to them that sort of machinery of business , chapels , tea-meetings and addresses from Mr Murphy , which makes up the dismal and illiberal life on which I have so often touched ’ .
19 We have used the phrases " Russell 's class " and " The greatest cardinal number " , but such phrases not only do not , but can not denote any ontological existent .
20 This conclusion is based on the fact that potent prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors such as indomethacin not only do not improve ulcerative colitis , but also can worsen the disease activity , implying that prostaglandins have some protective or repair ability , or both .
21 But Rolle not only did not have a spiritual director , he had absolutely no intention of getting one .
22 In time , however , these ideas developed into a much more general critique , in which objects not only did not signify use value but were found not to signify anything outside of themselves .
23 It will be seen , however , that although the Rules required that if the notice related to and was prejudicial to a person other than a member , a copy of the notice must be served upon him , such a person not only did not have any prior opportunity of making representations why the notice should not be issued , but was not given , under the Rules , the right to apply to set it aside , nor any right to appeal against the notice .
24 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
25 The daughter of that cruel Damophilus " had done all she could to comfort the slaves who were beaten by her parents " : so the slaves not only did not touch her but escorted her " to the home of certain kinsmen in Catana " ( 34.39 ) .
26 Franco not only did not do so but , on the following day , requested Sperrle to send any spare aircraft he might have to the Madrid front .
27 Novice parachutists who blocked out fear completely up to the moment of the jump were often overcome with an overwhelming and incapacitating anxiety such that they not only did not jump but decided to give up jumping forever .
28 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
29 Doing so , my overall conclusion is that for the reasons set out above there do not exist here sufficient grounds for setting aside the demand .
30 Children assign distinct meanings to distinct forms , but the distinctions they make early on do not always coincide exactly with the conventional adult ones .
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