Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 The kind most widely favoured for jewellery , at least in the west , was a delicate pale pink , but in and around Hawaii a black variety might be used for this purpose , and the Chinese were particularly keen on deep red coral for their carvings .
2 The fifth , sixth and seventh words are the most widely favoured for deletion .
3 While the greater number of these works are on geological themes , he is most widely remembered for his far-reaching contributions to the early development of seismology , including his discovery in 1906 of the Earth 's core .
4 For instance , careers information is a very important part of a secondary school , and the work of the careers teacher or team requires publicity , time and space ; but where is the material most effectively displayed for regular consultation by students themselves , where is the careers interviewing most advantageously sited , and what proportion of the school term or year is spent on it ?
5 The relationship between linguistic theory , the description of a particular language based upon it , and the way that language is actualized as behaviour in contexts of use is analogous to the relationship between a pedagogic theory of language learning , the devising of teaching materials based upon it , and the way that language is most effectively actualized for learning in the contexts of particular classrooms .
6 I produced sketches and a clay model for ideas , but these were eventually only used for reference when working on the sculpture .
7 The company said it could no longer afford the £320,000 membership fee and claimed open systems standards were widely enough accepted for it to leave .
8 Using a bar code reader and a suitable computer system greatly speeds things up of course , and the books of codes are presumably only needed for reference and checking purposes .
9 Thank you for your invitation , declined as I am long since engaged for 6th if in Edinburgh .
10 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south .
11 The Germans , who are so widely attacked for not coughing up more for a war on which they were n't consulted , are the only Western country making real sacrifices , not only to integrate East Germany , which is costing them 150 billion Dm this year , but also to help Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary and even the Soviet Union .
12 The collection and analysis of data are even less clear cut for those facilities situated within NHS hospitals but managed by private companies .
13 In other words , they are ‘ better designed ’ not simply by chance ( which would be the case if a large single-step mutation occurred ) , but by the accumulation of myriads of single-step mutations aided , over long periods of time , by the natural weeding-out process of those species less successfully adapted for long-term survival .
14 Its influence must have been very considerable for the boy to have been so successfully supported for the kingship against an adult rival .
15 The policy of austerity and a strong franc , which he had so staunchly defended for the best part of a decade ( and which had earned him such praise abroad ) , was being blamed within France for recession and for the record level of unemployment ( it broke through the symbolic 3m mark the day he handed over the reins of government ) .
16 Tomorrow she would work , she would finish the shoes belonging to Emily Grenfell in the morning and then in the afternoon she would sole the heavy boots that Cleg the Coal so badly needed for his round .
17 If these richly-endowed giants of the developing world are barely equal to the task of liberalization , Africa is much less equipped for the challenge , and much less prepared to face it .
18 The restaurant was like many of its kind throughout the Soviet Union , although perhaps better cared for than most .
19 You will note that Mr. A. N. Other is a material holder in the company ; he is perhaps better known for his holding in Major Plc .
20 BELVILLE : I do not apprehend myself to be quite so much obliged for those intentions .
21 ‘ Freedom from party control , as distinct from party commitment , is now so much taken for granted that it requires no affirmation . ’
22 The living-room has a lived-in feel about it and the parlour , so immaculately tidy was so obviously only used for special occasions .
23 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
24 That too is a problem , but I must say that we were much better prepared for the Inter-Continental Cup than a couple of other tournaments — that only makes our failure to qualify more disappointing .
25 Epic have been fabulous ; they 're much better known for the Michael Jacksons and George Michaels of this world , but they 've been really helpful to me … ’
26 If you lack confidence in your ability to give her the right kind of help and comfort , but really want to do so , you have nothing to fear , because this probably means that you are much better equipped for the task than you imagine .
27 Although his head was throbbing almost intolerably , he 'd felt sober enough to ring for breakfast in his room , and had done his best to contemplate the ‘ Full English ’ he 'd so foolishly ordered for 7 a.m .
28 But if the public expected from the Berliners memorable Beethoven and even more memorable Brahms ( a Brahms cycle appeared in 1964 ) , they were perhaps less prepared for the miraculously fluid Debussy record that appeared in 1964 — La Mer and Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune coupled with the Second Suite from Ravel 's Daphnis et Chloé — or recordings of Sibelius 's Fourth or Fifth symphonies that quite eclipsed the earlier Philharmonia recording , and the Shostakovich Tenth .
29 He wrote to Mary admitting the ‘ ardent attachment ’ he had so long felt for her , and asked her to confirm a rumour that she too was now engaged .
30 The idea was a novelty , it illumined a new area of thought in Isabel Lavender 's mind , and she felt a little daring , a little afraid , at bringing up for scrutiny something she had so long taken for granted .
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