Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the term that has caught on most widely to describe such zealots is ‘ hacker ’ and what they do , constantly , is known as ‘ hacking ’ .
2 It must be spoken , audible , and , depending on the level of investigation involved , clear enough to allow instrumental analysis , and accompanied by additional information on the age , sex and linguistic background of the speaker .
3 To pace yourself , doing enough to pay for a comfortable life and little enough to stay invisible .
4 He is not doing badly enough to find another nominee through a brokered convention , but he is not doing well enough to please a majority even within his own party .
5 Few of Gallotta 's ideas are developed rigorously enough to see all their possibilities , and too many degenerate into rituals for marking time .
6 He added : " It is a strange world we live in where it is not all right to kill some animals because they are prettier or more intelligent than others . "
7 When the history of that unhappy place is considered it may well be asked , ‘ What kind of a ‘ god ’ is it that has failed so abysmally to make good the promise ? ’ .
8 And she had wanted so badly to stay alive .
9 While happily pleasuring concubines for several hours , they were apparently able to sign documents brought to them and even discuss urgent matters with visitors , with only the occasional movements from down below to make sure that they remained erect in connection with the other matter to hand .
10 To pass the heaving multitudes on the track , I raced up like a fell runner , unhappily only to find each time I successfully overtook what looked like a queue for an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that there were further extensive crocodiles of people ahead .
11 But if we try to use the same two adjectives with the same two nouns in a predicative construction we shall find that the result is ungrammatical : ( 49 ) that rival was possible those two sailors are occasional As in other instances , it is not enough merely to record that possible , occasional and certain other adjectives are ungrammatical in predicative position when constructed with certain nouns .
12 He felt that it was not enough merely to preserve isolated buildings , but that their setting should be protected and improved as well .
13 What I want you to do is try and hold on to it in your brain then when I 've finished write it down in the appropriate box and see if you can hold on to it long enough to do that .
14 They slept then , tucked up around one another , waking several times during the night , but rarely for long enough to do more than acknowledge the other 's presence .
15 Selfing populations of plants could be valuable material , although the retention of unused yet presumably expensive floral features in some populations raised doubts as to whether they have been selfing for long enough to reach evolutionary equilibrium .
16 Baldersdale was largely unaffected by contact with outside influences — to travel further than Barnard Castle , a prim and pretty little market town which could scarcely claim to be cosmopolitan , was virtually unheard of and such visitors as there were never stayed long enough to impart revolutionary new ways and ideas .
17 The same applies to Eckhard Pfeiffer , who has certainly turned Compaq Computer Corp around for the time being , but has not been in the job long enough to demonstrate proven staying power .
18 A short stop in Delhi , but long enough to enable several sets of Rohan travel kit to get splattered with dye in the Hindi festival of colours , Holi .
19 Ace was running from boulder to boulder along the summit of the ridge , stopping wherever she found good cover , just long enough to hurl one of her primitive looking grenades , or fire her blaster , or launch some kind of tiny projectile that Defries could n't see clearly .
20 In terms of a human life-span , the development of a hill-slope takes a very long time , and one could not stay around long enough to test alternative theories of hill-slope development if observation of processes acting on the present landscape produced the only relevant data .
21 He remained there long enough to draw many camp-followers of various kinds , including several of the merchants of Shrewsbury , who had an interest in the supply of gear and provisions , and smiths and other craftsmen who could pick up lucrative jobs among the armouries .
22 Lord knows , it took long enough to compile all the information stored in there .
23 Only slowly revolving tyres will contact the road for long enough to generate sufficient drive .
24 The interior was never sufficiently plastic close to the surface for long enough to cause widespread geological activity such as Plate Tectonics , largely because the Moon has a large ratio of surface area to mass and thus loses heat relatively rapidly ( section 2.1.16 ) .
25 He peered out just long enough to see distant trees sweeping by much too fast , and stuck his head down again .
26 Roland lives long enough to see all his followers die , and also to see the last remnants of the Saracen army void the field in confused rout , and then he dies .
27 Yet qualifying for a black belt usually takes at least three years ( see table ) — long enough to put most westerners off .
28 And they 've been friends long enough to take each other for granted , turn up when they feel like it , and shut up when they 're busy .
29 He was n't at all old , but he had been in poetry long enough to take these things coolly .
30 DOWN in Nashville , its capital , the 1990s boom in American country music has gone on long enough to prompt some heady forecasts .
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