Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One effect of the nation 's defeat was that many of the elements of ‘ Japanese spirit ’ , as well as the individuals who had most vocally espoused them , were discredited .
2 He was shifting in her mind suddenly , stepping out of the shadows she had so forcibly pushed him into in self-defence , and she realised her attraction to him was more than just physical .
3 Perhaps they once had the full response , but the ‘ hammer , hammer on the hard , high road ’ has long since dinned it out of them .
4 Seeing just how comprehensive a work this is , with factory serial number , date of registration , date of next C of A expiry , owner's/operator 's name and probable base all listed , I can only surmise that the note-scribblers/pocket memo mumblers — many of whom seem not to have the slightest knowledge or interest in the type of aeroplane on which the letters are painted — are performing the latter-day equivalent of the sacred ritual which I and many others who have long since outgrown it once enacted in John W.R. Taylor 's ABC of Civil Aircraft Makings .
5 She was someone who minded her own business and had long since discovered it was seldom worth while to interfere with other people 's children .
6 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
7 Unaccustomed to such tenderness from this man who had so rarely shown her anything but contempt and passion , Maria found herself beginning to tremble , while a hot , smarting sensation afflicted her eyes and emotion tightened her throat .
8 They are so widely prescribed you may have taken them yourself .
9 The catering was so little used it was decided to suspend it and it was necessary to dig into the precious Henly legacy for repairs , wages , course upkeep and to off-set the catering losses .
10 I had n't read pornography until I wrote the book and when I read it I found it was so badly written it meant nothing to me .
11 Some were so badly treated they had to be humanly destroyed .
12 A significant number in the survey had been so badly penalised they had left to form their own practices .
13 If he had n't been so badly injured we would n't have even attempted a rescue until later , but he was in a bad way , so we had no choice . ’
14 ‘ The original walls were so badly damaged they could not be saved and had to be pulled down because the stone had become non load-bearing .
15 THE Danish cargo vessel Bettina Danca , aground on Stroma in the Pentland Firth , is now so badly damaged it would be impossible to refloat her , Orkney 's harbour director , Captain Bob Sclater , said yesterday .
16 Well he 's so badly parked you see , he 's got to wait for both traffics to go whereas I could go easily
17 More than half of the seats checked in a survey were so badly anchored they would be useless in a crash .
18 The father of five 's face was so badly busted he had to be fitted with a metal cage to keep the bones in place until they set .
19 The bodies of the victims were so badly burned they could not be counted .
20 She was so badly burned she had to be identified by a palm print left at home .
21 The policeman was so badly burned he had to be identified from dental records .
22 Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s , for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker , Frederick Wiggins , who apparently only operated it for a few years .
23 Why he never troubled to publish his knowledge , I do not know , except that he was an aristocrat , and so perhaps considered it beneath him to publish .
24 These are the new rate books , we 've literally only had them through this week .
25 But it was a sign that those wartime conditions which had so much restricted him were being lifted when , in October 1946 , The Family Reunion was revived at the Mercury Theatre .
26 And it was it was so nicely written I I saw it the other day it was no difference .
27 Love is so highly charged you want to be left in peace or left with Andrew 's piece .
28 With that homely air of perplexed affection that had so long endeared her to Louisa 's heart , she gave voice to a remaining consideration .
29 Who would be most to blame but those who have so long suppressed it ?
30 It looked out over a garden so long overgrown it was returning to jungle .
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