Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 He would n't tell me what was going on down there because he did n't want to worry me as far as the safety conditions at that particular mine .
2 Fenella told me , breathily and all excited , that they were going to operate and we 'd all have to leave , but it was all right really because Salome 's mum ( who was ever so nice ) had turned up having been called by Frank and was in there talking to the surgeons .
3 Such a view would be far too simplistic for a number of reasons , but perhaps most clearly because there is indeed a powerful and growing critique of professionals in our society — and a critique which is well founded !
4 This convention works so powerfully precisely because , in life , it is not like that .
5 But if the idea of this procedure is simple , the practice is much less so because of the problems involved .
6 We 're only together tonight because you put us both on the same invitation .
7 West Indian cricket has been strong for so long principally because it is looked upon almost as a religion in the Caribbean .
8 For those white English women who are still in doubt , hear this … we are all over here because you have all been over there .
9 kids might have to be uprooted all over again because it 's too far from her
10 They are going it alone not only because they happened to " get caught out " , but because it is an alternative to aimless adolescence on the dole .
11 And the point about the German schemes is that they achieved much more besides because they attempted more : measures of noise , air quality and levels of-street activity have all improved , and there are dramatic specific results , such as Buxtehude 's growth of cycling or Moabit 's greening of the environment .
12 Also , since to a large extent the promise of Nazi solutions was false and depended upon the Nazi ability to create the problems it intended to resolve by force , matters in Danzig had to move much more slowly because the city was subject to massive foreign observation through the League of Nations .
13 ( see fig 7 ) This can be applied much more easily because it is not rigidly defined in the way that Burgess ' model is .
14 Draught animals , though frequently more valuable , were stolen less often partly because they were more closely looked after , and partly because carters had a reputation as a violent class of men .
15 In private Michael still had to keep his end up against attacks , that to be religious was to be a fool , though less frequently now because Frank travelled abroad and was away much of the time .
16 I 'd rather not talk to the guests much beforehand simply because I find it works better just to say hello , and thanks for coming , and leave it at that .
17 I reflected on it , but declined , principally because of my unwillingness to belong to any party — I have never been a party member — and perhaps even more because the seat I was offered appeared to be an impregnable Tory stronghold .
18 I used to live in Brixton but then it was so sentimental last night because John Major he took us all round there because that 's where he comes from you see
19 We both knew only too well because of the business we were in and the sort of people we were what could happen . ’
20 David asked if I could jive and at this particular time I always dressed as a man , which was probably another reason Calvin and I got along very well because Calvin wore velvet suits and I wore velvet suits — so that was one area we got on very well .
21 He wrote , in The Dial for December 1922 , the most emphatically welcoming and apparently influential review of The Waste Land , and although this reads a little quaintly now because Wilson took very seriously Eliot 's supposed debt to Jessie L. Weston 's From Ritual to Romance ( which later criticism has taken lightly ) , his piece had the great virtue of conceding valid points to the opposition :
22 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
23 He made her a bow , lighter and smaller than his , until she could shoot with it almost as well as Allen himself , though not so far because the light bow would n't carry .
24 Er not not really because it does n't sp stop the people coming into Newark that were coming anyway .
25 The plates flickered past , solemn and beautiful faces , sleeping soldiers , angels carrying flutes , and then a page fell open more easily because , slipped into it , she found a sheet of the villa 's notepaper on which was typed what she at first thought to be a shopping-list , but , as she began to read , discovered it was no such thing .
26 There was no door between the kitchens and the alley at the back , only a curtain of brown and yellow beads that clicked when there was a breeze , which was just about never because it was summer and the only time the air moved was when Zervos waved his short arms or a truck went past outside .
27 But , on other occasions Laura could laugh at herself just as easily because she was constantly amused by the transience of fame and never took her public for granted .
28 This is just as well because high interest rates have led to some of Wehmiller 's customers in the UK deferring capital purchases in the short term .
29 He also enjoys the training , which is just as well because it is so competitive .
30 This is just as well because trichomonal infection causes changes in the cells of the cervix which mimic those that precede cancerous changes .
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