Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
2 The whole of the party were in excellent health and had well tried each others stamina in walking up mountains etc. etc. but having so many interesting objects in view they had allowed no difficulty or danger to impede their progress .
3 So rather than have er two cars plus a company car I just sold my car .
4 If the rifle was all right and had n't got sand inside the sights or anywhere else awkward to clean , it would almost have been worth it .
5 holding a ‘ dress rehearsal ’ beforehand so that the members of the panel can get used to working together rather than having to learn while the interview is in progress .
6 The Geneva Convention on Bills of Exchange is an example of an excellent Convention which has functioned extremely effectively and has been widely adopted .
7 He has seen right from the start that the majority of Germans wanted unification and that the pace of events was dictating a much more rapid move towards unification than most people , either inside , and certainly on the outside , had realised , and he put all his authority into the campaign , campaigned extremely effectively and has had a ringing endorsement .
8 ‘ I was letting Woosie down badly and had no feeling at all , ’ said Mouland , who came into the tournament after finishing only 84th in this season 's European money list .
9 Surely we 've got time to sit down somewhere and have a coffee … ? ’
10 Whatever might have been the prosaic reason for his initial posting to Masai District , an officer who stayed long enough and had a sufficiently striking personality could expect to become locally famous not only for his love of the Masai but also for the love they bore for him .
11 In this more temperate climate , we can see that rock 's estate is a grand one , and it 's tempting to tramp its grounds — necessary , perhaps , if only so as to have somewhere to ‘ go ’ .
12 In the south , this sympathy factor ensured that Congress ( I ) performed much better than had been expected .
13 For them to develop properly they need guidance and a good example , and you ca n't do much better than have somebody like Fergie in your setup — somebody who has done and seen it all . ’
14 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
15 The young horse goes through so many learning experiences with us — the discipline of being held still in our arms as a foal , acceptance of being stroked all over and having its legs picked up , learning to lead and to be tied up , and later learning to accept being rugged and lunged .
16 Fourth cousins by marriage , the girls had been aware of each other for much longer and had a number of friends in common .
17 For example , one wonders if the doubts about the unity of geography are any less profound than those that afflict environmental science , but geography has been around for much longer and has developed powerful institutional , professional and curricular structures , not least in the schools .
18 Amabel had spoken to Mrs Covington-Pym only once and had been completely unable to follow the lady 's conversation .
19 Some have taken the parallels between the human body and the Earth much further and have postulated ‘ chakra ’ points on the Earth 's surface which have specific effects in landscape terms appropriate to the nature of the corresponding chakra .
20 Well now , taking taking into account the fact that there are about three hundred schools here in Oxfordshire and there 's only one school so far that has chosen to even try to opt out , and it was defeated at that school , then I see that is erm a comment on the kind of Education Authority we have here .
21 The couple went so far as to have Chris Nixon , one of the best unit publicists in the business , fired .
22 In Gloucester in 1831 all three candidates adopted an antislavery stance as a result of being questioned , one going so far as to have ‘ cards in his constituent hats with ‘ No Slavery ’ printed up on them ’ .
23 Beryl Smith again drew attention to the strenuous time our trainers have , called upon as they are to travel so far and having to tackle what seems to be a non-stop training programme .
24 After protracted behind-the-scenes debate in the statutes commission , the congress was presented on July 9 with proposals to restructure the upper echelons of the party leadership , albeit less radically than had originally been proposed in the first draft of the new party rules published in March .
25 He had my lord 's entire confidence — indeed it is hard to credit that anyone could change so radically as has my uncle . ’
26 yeah just come down now and have a look
27 In the end I suppose you 'll get everything , which is what you wanted all along really but have n't dared to say it .
28 He and Matchsticks blended in perfectly as had been predicted back in Teheran .
29 ‘ You could come in now and have some coffee . ’
30 This resulted in a great deal of correspondence between myself and the Development Corporation and at the end of it I told my wife the best thing to do was to hand her notice in as there was no chance of us ever getting a house in Harlow , fortunately her services were much more seriously in demand then we imagined and the company nominated us for one , a house which is allocated to one of their executives , the house that we 're living in now and have lived in ever since nineteen sixty three .
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