Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] for a " in BNC.

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1 Abacus Practice Management runs on Novell and DOS , on an IBM compatible PC and can be configured for stand alone or for a network .
2 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
3 At the same time , in political terms , Costa Rica has been drawn much more closely into the US sphere of influence during the 1980s , moving away from the neutral stance it previously took , so that for a time it was one of the host countries for the US-backed Nicaraguan Contras .
4 Moore joins in , so that for a brief couple of seconds we sound like a small cracked tribute to Sir Harry Secombe .
5 She pronounces ‘ liver ’ with a long vowel , so that for a second he thinks she is asking if he likes geese saliva .
6 Structuralism may be employed to excavate the principles of classification and order which unite what on the surface appear as highly disparate domains , so that for a particular society food preparation , kinship and myth may be revealed as transformations of each other .
7 The sense of disappointment was as sharp as a blow , painful out of all proportion , so much so that for a moment I was almost angry with him for not being there .
8 Danjit stumbled forward so that for a moment she felt his lubricious body-thrust .
9 Cora-Beth tilted her head sideways so that for a brief moment her cheek rested against his hand .
10 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
11 If I beckon , she will certainly come to me ! he thought , and his mind whirled , so that for a moment he barely saw the waiting Fiana candidates and the glittering Sun Chamber .
12 Horror coursed through Grainne , so that for a moment the stone room tilted all about her .
13 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
14 She was wearing little or no make-up , so that for a moment Melissa did not recognise her .
15 It lifted him for a moment before it threw him down , so that for a second he saw what he wanted : that the sea had already overrun the beach and the rocks and the shingle and was advancing like a black wall rimmed with white over the slipways and grasslands of Orphir .
16 So that for a moment was me — a black receptacle on a black night .
17 Sunlight streamed through the windscreen , settling burnished rays over his black hair , turning his olive complexion to gold so that for a moment his face took on the appearance of a mask .
18 He laughed softly , the wind catching the low rumble of sound and tossing it around so that for a moment the very air seemed to be filled with it .
19 On the other hand , tasks of party management and maintaining Cabinet cohesion are more insistent , though perhaps less so than for a German Chancellor or Italian Premier .
20 The rate of economic growth in Britain slowed down and for a period was in absolute decline .
21 Halling had to wait until the 1939–45 war when a military bridge was erected and a road laid down and for a few years the people of Wouldham and Halling were able to move freely between the villages , which was a great asset to the people of Wouldham who used the bridge to get to work on this side of the river , but it was certainly the death knell of the ferry .
22 I peered down and for a moment believed that I had come on Percy Bysshe Shelley .
23 However , on May 31 there were reports of widespread support among civil servants and soldiers for the military rulers to step down and for a rapid handover of power to a civilian government .
24 The hijackers jumped down and for a minute it looked as if they were going to try to fight their way out .
25 She had set off from Margate before eight o'clock and for a short time she fell asleep in his arms .
26 ‘ Oh ! ’ said Fenella and stood still and clasped her hands together and for a moment forgot entirely about being in danger in the house of an ancient and evil sorcerer .
27 I slowed down because for a moment I thought you might need help .
28 QPR are not good enough to finish in the top six , according to Trevor Francis , their player-manager , but they should have won and would surely have done so but for a mind-boggling miss by Andy Sinton when it was 2-2 .
29 Indeed , Hartland and Wright almost carried New Zealand to stumps without loss in their second innings , and probably would have done so but for a debatable bat-pad decision against the former .
30 But it seems sad that so many did not have a more enjoyable sexual introduction , especially when for a few it had been the one and only time .
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