Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tickets for the event cost £1.90 before 10pm or £2.50 after 10pm .
2 There is considerable species variation in the response of the stomach to alcohol and so animal studies will be cited only where data from humans are inadequate .
3 People with less advanced HIV-related illness may tolerate zidovudine better than people with AIDS , so treatment should be started earlier rather than later .
4 A number of people would have their wages reviewed immediately , and the wage structure would be altered so that people on the lowest wages would get proportionately higher increases .
5 I understand that the payments will be triggered automatically so that people on income support will not have to apply for them .
6 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
7 And job situation maybe is that , but I think we should stay here and fight , and demand that we have the industries up here so that people from Scotland can stay and better , better theirselves here rather than move away .
8 The rules governing national insurance premiums and child benefit should be changed so that people in clearly defined circumstances have the right to capitalize part of the value of these two state benefits .
9 We shall introduce a system of measurements so that people in different local authority areas will know precisely to what standard their local services are being provided .
10 We recruit uniformed officers into plain clothes so that people like yourself , who are being eliminated , wo n't feel under pressure .
11 People like you usually arrange it so that people like Gleeson take the rap .
12 and he , he is very keen to try and change the law so that people like you and I who is
13 Rain had to be guarded so that people around her did not follow what the call was about .
14 It is important that the Compact Partnership exists at senior levels in Education and Industry so that a clear understanding of the value , purpose , and potential of the initiative permeates all the institutions involved , and so that staff at all levels are positively encouraged to offer their support .
15 A gimmick I employ with this pulse system is that train-detector circuits are referenced to 13V so that l.e.d.s on the track-diagram show an 18Hz flicker for moving trains and are steady for stationary ones .
16 Instead , it was agreed that we would begin by harmonising coding standards for personnel so that data on the major fields of interest would be coded in the same way by all personnel systems across the company .
17 Just the fact that this can be achieved at less than £10,000 for a complete system is rather likely to upset anyone who has invested hundreds of thousands in ‘ Third Wave ’ systems and discovers that , for a tenth the cost they could actually achieve rather more .
18 Three-quarters of local households had an income of less than £10,000 in 1987 .
19 In the proposals which the Government made in 1984 in a White Paper , A Revised Framework for Insolvency Law ( Cmnd 9175 ) , largely based on the Cork Report , they indicated that they did not intend introducing a debt counselling service , but referring any debtor with liabilities less than £15,000 to an ‘ insolvency practitioner ’ .
20 Nuttall and Gipps ( 1982 ) estimate that the direct cost of the APU was £800,000 per year , which crudely would mean less than £30 per school .
21 By comparison , more than three in five of the older working-class women had an income of less than £30 per week and none had over £60 ( Taylor and Ford , 1983 , p. 192 ) .
22 In fact i has to be less than 90° for the simple reason that the supergiant does not eclipse the X-ray emission from Cygnus X-1 at any part of the orbit ; if τ were 90° the orbits would be seen edge-on and eclipsing would be unavoidable .
23 Often cancers of these organs are not discovered until it is too late to cure them : less than 8% of lung cancer patients are alive five years after diagnosis [ 2 ] .
24 Volume pricing is less than $50 per workstation .
25 less than 75% of the fat in standard equivalent food — some products have only half the fat .
26 the shares , together with any shares already held by the person acquiring them carry not less than 75% of the votes ; and
27 Results show that the majority of students involved in the DipHE courses progressed to a degree course of some kind , and that no less than 75% of mature students achieved a degree , and 85% of the ‘ under-qualified ’ on entry achieved either a degree or a DipHE .
28 Less than £5 per tab ( often half this price )
29 These are usually available or can be bought for less than £5 from opticians .
30 The Pru says that Britain is becoming a nation of spendthrifts with less than £5 in every £100 of disposable income being saved last year -the lowest level for 30 years — and is encouraging people to save the extra cash .
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