Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Arguably the blinder kinds of sexual radicalism , wherein sexuality is made the prime political mover , have tended to be mainly heterosexual , and in the case of Wilhelm Reich , overtly homophobic .
2 The two men , arguably the fastest finishers in the world , unleashed their 40mph sprints in the last 400 metres of the 131-mile race , leaving the rest of the field to watch .
3 The third qualifying round altered the seeding in such a way that arguably the best sides in the tournament , Namibia and Zimbabwe , found themselves playing each other in the quarter-finals .
4 These commodities are arguably the primitive valuables of early Anglo-Saxon society , used to oil the wheels of social and political activities ( Huggett 1982 and forthcoming ) .
5 The problem is quite general : when the pragmatic implications of an utterance do not match the context , then in general the utterance is not treated as in any way infelicitous or inappropriate or bizarre-rather the pragmatic implications are simply assumed not to hold .
6 In the nineteenth century , the upper class comprised the traditional landed aristocracy , but it was an aristocracy that had absorbed largely if not wholly the new men of wealth who had made their money out of trade and industry .
7 Siward had merely killed his wife 's uncle , as Carl Thorbrandsson had already killed his wife 's father , and had joined thereby the bloody brethren of kinsmen whose lethal manoeuvrings had kept him busy for the twelve years he had now held the earldom .
8 Women are not like that ; or at least , the details , the weaknesses they dwell on in narration are only rarely the physical ones that men delight in .
9 I was exhausted , no sleep last night , and very little the previous nights .
10 But the new cohorts felt much less keenly the social conditions from which the class alignment arose in the first place .
11 Out-migrants from rural areas are predominantly the younger members of the adult population .
12 The selection is predominantly the English Classics and very little Scottish literature but it is surprising that there were only two Gaelic works ; John MacCormick 's " Oiteagan O'n Jar " ( Breeze from the West ) and Rev. A. Clark 's " Caraid nan Gaidheal . "
13 At 11.45pm the two men listened and waited in silence .
14 But thankfully the two exters never got to me .
15 There is no way we can decipher properly the individual contributions that different pairs of atoms make to the total atomic distribution .
16 But nevertheless if it were handled properly the high-yielding seeds of African maize , upland rice and cassava which are on the way could make a real difference .
17 Churchill believed that Britain needed a minister of Cabinet rank to carry out properly the forthcoming negotiations .
18 In order to work properly the dominant forces in each of the three spheres have to monopolize the key resources for which there is great competition .
19 My hon. Friend has illustrated powerfully the double standards employed by the Government to deal with ordinary people and those in the City .
20 Reluctantly , he pulled the cord again and mercifully the red curtains blanked out the abandoned sylphide .
21 It is the effort and pressure which the bowel-wall muscle has to exert in propelling onward the firm faeces produced by a Western diet ( rather than the soft and voluminous matter produced by fibre-rich diets ) which has been found to be the cause of this illness .
22 The rarity of finds of natural occurrences suggests how intensively the prehistoric Europeans must have sought rare substances and how much trouble they were prepared to go to in disseminating them .
23 We are accused of being the poor men of Europe , and I think we are economically and industrially the poor men of Europe or at least our performances have n't been very good in this respect since the War , but the other side is that because we are the poor men and are self-conscious about it , that we have compensated , in a sense , in the vitality of our music and of our culture , and certainly in the pop culture .
24 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
25 Additionally the excellent periodicals such as the CAA 's GASIL and GASCO 's Flight Safety Bulletin are also sent free of charge to the majority of registered owners on a regular basis .
26 We could supply sailing , wind-surfing , fishing and swimming in Bala Lake , endless glorious walking country , pony trekking , golf and tennis , and latterly the swift-flowing rivers have made Bala an internationally famous canoeing centre .
27 Ten years later there were 215,000 such members , dwarfing numerically the 30,000 members of the ILP .
28 I notice that yet again the Lord President 's list and presumably the Prime Ministers does n't include the standard of telling the truth about tax .
29 The courtyard was surrounded by what were presumably the inner walls of the palace .
30 Presumably the Slovakian parts , since it , it urges the Slovaks to awaken .
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