Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] any time " in BNC.

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1 If it sits at the bottom of your belly , glowering like a smouldering fire , threatening to explode suddenly at any time and paralyse you ?
2 These are automatically silenced at night and may be silenced manually at any time by operating levers which are neatly and unobtrusively located on the hand-crafted dial .
3 I was given the option to have him put down at any time , but of course as time went on his recovery was more and more likely and my hopes got higher .
4 Now 31 , Foster is fortunate to be playing cricket at all after several knee operations , the most recent of which forced him to miss a slice of last season and the start of The possibility of his breaking down at any time can not be ignored and neither can his undistinguished international record at Lord 's .
5 Held , ( 1 ) that section 18(1) and ( 2 ) authorised an order for payment by the board of that part of the costs of the proceedings determined in the defendant 's favour incurred by him personally at any time when he was not receiving legal aid and was thus an unassisted person ; that , accordingly , the House had jurisdiction under the section to order payment by the board of the defendant 's costs incurred before the issue of his legal aid certificate ; and that the appropriate course was to adjourn the defendant 's application under regulation 143 of the Regulations of 1989 for him to pursue his claim in accordance with regulation 147 ( post , pp. 199G , 201A–B , E , H — 202A , 203B–D ) .
6 But I see no difficulty in reading the language of subsections ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of section 18 as authorising an order for payment by the board ( subject , of course , to the criteria prescribed by subsection ( 4 ) ) of such part of the costs of the proceedings which are eventually determined in the defendant 's favour as were incurred by the defendant personally at any time when he was not receiving legal aid and accordingly fell within the definition of an unassisted party .
7 The district was sinister enough at any time ; now , with the feeling that any and every form of menace , from a cut-throat to a coal-hole , might be within inches for all I could tell , my small remaining resource of courage were exhausted within minutes .
8 KPMG and Client reserve the right to terminate KPMG 's engagement hereunder at any time and without liability or continuing obligation to each other save that termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to rights accrued and obligations incurred by either KPMG or Client prior to such date and shall not affect the indemnification in section 4 , or Client 's obligation under sections 2 and 3 .
9 A It can do so at any time .
10 I 'm equally confident that the higher direction of MI5 and those operating today do not have anything to do with this , nor have they done so at any time .
11 If Sabine had wanted to break away and work on her own she could have done so at any time .
12 If he had ever wanted to see her socially he could have done so at any time , but there had been only chance meetings since his marriage .
13 It 's a dark room , so at any time of the day that light would be switched on by anyone wanting to read . ’
14 Many of the plants can be put in at any time of year , except for the dahlias .
15 I thought it was rather a bad sign that I was told I could , as a family friend , go in at any time .
16 Country churches were never locked ; you could wander in at any time .
17 Seaview is a very friendly place — friends and relatives are encouraged to drop in at any time , and residents feel they can talk to visitors even if they do n't know them .
18 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
19 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
20 If the investment managers had to come in they could have come in at any time .
21 The flexibility and cheapness of overdraft borrowing is possible because it is an ‘ on demand ’ facility , and we can therefore call it in at any time .
22 When I began collecting material , one of the Blaxhall people offered me an open invitation : ‘ Drop in at any time if you want to know anything .
23 She should be in at any time now . ’
24 The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise .
25 Now that plants in containers can go in at any time when the ground is not frozen or sodden , many gardeners opt for the spring or early summer .
26 ‘ They are all very obliging and will come in at any time . ’
27 He said just go in at any time and we 'll pick it up .
28 I , I have n't actually got to be in at any time except I did say I 'd be in at half nine .
29 If there 's anything you want to er er to ask me about , please do n't hesitate to er to butt in at any time .
30 Alright , so you have only one , but by all he ( by the sound of it ) knows , a mate could come along at any time .
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