Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Evergreen winter foliage needs to stay looking fresh right through the darkest days and some variegated plants are better at this than others .
2 Somewhere between the best case and the worst case we suppose the actual future to lie .
3 We remember him most as the best diver ever to grace the Gorbals swimming pond .
4 1982 ) , monogamous males might be expected to compete as intensely for the best mates or territories as do polygynous males for the biggest harems .
5 Now the search is on for the best container display in Britain .
6 In Guatemala too , the 1980s marked a high point of repression in a political conflict which has been going on for the best part of thirty years .
7 They talked on for the best part of an hour , ending in agreement that there was no solution to this problem , short of the mass emigration of millions .
8 The search is on for the best pancake tosser in the North .
9 The rotary input gain control can be set to the optimum level so that the overload light flashes momentarily on for the loudest peaks of signal .
10 It seemed that the Bangor girl had timed her late surge to perfection , but Martin held on for the closest of wins .
11 Having supplied them with a fifth chair , Amiss made them generally comfortable and vanished noiselessly through the nearest door .
12 The fences start off small but are solid and brightly coloured , with lots of fillers , and the school is big enough for the largest horses .
13 It was far enough from anywhere to be unnoticed , far enough for the loudest sounds to be muffled and lost to passers-by .
14 Provided it is read sensibly ( see the section " Understanding the Bible " ) , it is clear enough for the simplest Christian to live by , as well as being profound enough to exercise the mind of the brightest scholar for a lifetime .
15 They passed silently and swiftly through the rankest , wettest wood , feeding on the soft fungus of the bark of trees , sucking at the dampness in the rotting litter , chewing the lichen from mossy , greying stones .
16 Until the Three Mile Island nuclear accident , Harrisburg , Pennsylvania , was notorious only for the earliest perpetration of a " straw poll " attempting to predict the outcome of the 1924 presidential election .
17 But Great Malvern was worth visiting , if only for the best one-liner of the conference , from Joan Beck , chief inspector of Doncaster SSD : ‘ Equal opportunities is all very well until someone else gets the job you wanted . ’
18 There will be space here only for the briefest discussion of external forces which have shaped life in Indian prisons , but it is difficult to overestimate their importance .
19 For starters the cane was used — apparently for the slightest misdemeanour .
20 Double glaze with bubble polythene to keep the warmth in during the coldest months .
21 The Agent has , therefore , decided to encourage Great Indian Peninsula railwaymen to take a greater interest in such matters by the institution of a competition under the rules of which first , second and third prizes of Rs. 150 , Rs. 100 and Rs. 50 respectively will be awarded annually for the best station platform gardens and premises .
22 Several companies offered prizes annually for the best-kept country station , promoting keen rivalry among stations .
23 Since only adults set up households , all those who will do so in the next 15 years are alive now , and we can estimate accurately how many will actually be alive in each age group — except perhaps for the oldest age groups — for at least that period ahead .
24 In the 1980s Britain was coasting along as the fourth-largest west European R&D spender on space — behind France , Germany and Italy .
25 During the interviews , the sample were asked to comment on the treatment they received from GPs and also what they considered personally as the best method to ‘ come off ’ .
26 And he did so with the support , not only of Hoare , who was his adjutant in all the talks with the Government , but also of Cunliffe-Lister , Hailsham , Eyres-Monsell and Davidson , the last being brought in as the best means of liaison with Baldwin .
27 The Wilhelmshaven dockyard had been , in its day , the largest naval yard in Europe , and is likely to go down as the largest purely naval yard in history .
28 The toll in what will go down as the worst rioting in US history is incomprehensible .
29 Not quite a donkey but Wallaces goal to win the league at Sheff Utd will probably go down as the jammiest ever in my book .
30 DEPOSITED ABROAD Choosing a suitable foreign currency bank account may mean shopping around , not necessarily for the highest interest rates but for the best service available
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