Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] point " in BNC.

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1 Importantly for the point I am making about the study of television genre , Todorov closes his summary of propositions thus :
2 However , by August , when it was obvious that there was no family accommodation to be found in town , I was forced to take on a croft cottage about seven miles to the north of Stornoway on the Eye Peninsula , known locally as the Point district .
3 Sometimes my own phone rings , and the voice that answers it is here inside the room , emerging from somewhere about the point where my two shirtsleeves meet .
4 The hon. Gentleman is a little off the point , and he is very selective in his reading .
5 His reply was rather off the point , I thought .
6 The Hulton Deutsch People disk is a intended for use commercially as a point of reference for professionals .
7 I mean you may want to er for example , you know in some ways some of the responses may fit in quite nicely as a point on a scale or something like that , you may have some , you know , be able to in fact I advise you to come up with a fair number of quantitative type questions
8 So for every point ( r , q ) we tell the computer to divide our chosen constant unc by r to give its new radial distance from O. In this way all points move to and from the direction of O in radial lines .
9 Models with an extended stellar distribution together with a point mass of seem to fit the data best .
10 Secondly , a number of views of this procedure can be considered relevant , eg from the point of view of the individual who is concerned with the speedy settlement of claims , the administrative assistant who checks the claims for errors , and the boss who is concerned with the effect on his status if a large number of false claims were to be made , and discovered outside the section .
11 There was no sound of impact and certainly no disintegration for when the water and the spray cleared away there was only the empty sea and curiously small waves , little more than ripples , radiating outwards from the point of impact .
12 However , the weather is very different to the west of a sinuous line that curves down from a point off the east coast of Japan and then very roughly parallels , a thousand miles out , the outline of Asia — curving in towards Borneo , out over New Guinea , down around the Solomons .
13 And then coming down from a point on King Street just to the left of the existing tree , if you can imagine that , and coming back across the marketplace
14 To wire an ivy leaf , push half a length of wire through the back of the central vein , one third down from the point of the leaf .
15 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
16 Referring back to that list of priorities led me to address this thorny issue once more , only this time less from the point of view of a recording being merely compared with other recordings ( or some mean recorded standard ) , than the level of execution which the scores themselves would appear to invite .
17 So from the point of view of the consumer , there are few tests that can be done prior to purchase , to ascertain how well a product will perform when fitted into the car .
18 The first point that one would want to make in criticism of the gens theory is that , even if descent groups such as the Iroquois gens appear as undifferentiated communities from the point of view of an outsider , this is not so from the point of view of the member of a gens .
19 We are Muslims and my husband is my cousin , so from the point of view of tradition it is all right for me to marry him .
20 Can I just say , first of all , that I am the odd-speaker out in this gathering because virtually everyone else who has addressed you has done so from the point of view of their own particular expertise and occupation and those of you who know health councils will appreciate that they tend to take a pretty robust view of private care as it impinges on anything to do with health .
21 This can be important not only from the point of view of efficiency in design and use but also in improving the sales appeal .
22 It would appear , furthermore , that the policy of maximising firm value is ideal not only from the point of view of the shareholders , but also from that of society as a whole , since , by giving proper weight to projects with a future pay- off , it strikes an optimal balance between production for present consumption and growth .
23 Er that can be bad because if , if only from the point of view that when you get back you 've got nothing to talk about because they were there and saw and did it all you see .
24 The contradictions between the two modes of thought , house as women 's workshop , house as breadwinner 's retreat , have meant a conflict in architectural terms , not only from the point of view of interior decoration , but also in terms of the planning configuration of kitchen , dining room and living room .
25 Yes , well that only , only from the point of view that they 're being used so often , that they 're also almost becoming well can you think of any words that , that are that are that have been introduced recently into our vocabulary that have that have that have been acceptable in common language ?
26 Or , as much to the point but slightly differently , I want to be a father .
27 Also , and much to the point , it was farmed by the same obliging farmer , Mr Healey .
28 Rowntree 's general comment on all this is much to the point : " The hidden curriculum marches on .
29 Controllable : Random distribution especially to the point of use invites other problems .
30 She flushed angrily , refusing to back down on a point of principle .
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