Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Fenella 's complaints continued to be mostly about the way he treated her on stage .
2 Tutoring ideas could be used much more widely as a way of helping both older and younger students , for example with older pupils helping younger ones in their own schools .
3 She 's always going on about the way people behave nowadays .
4 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
5 We have so far said little about the way the Stress Syndrome spills over into teachers ' personal relationships out of school .
6 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
7 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
8 I think it 's quite hard to say , ‘ I feel all right about the way I look . ’
9 Benny did n't really believe Eve about Sean having ambitions to marry into the shop , but there was something deeply unsettled all right about the way he looked at her .
10 There 's something not right about the way he goes on with her .
11 There was much sympathy for the aims of the action , but little for the way it was pursued .
12 It showed how categorisation by discipline installations , painting , photography and so on can still work effectively as a way of organising an exhibition .
13 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
14 Building extends the grammar , by correlation ; but it can also be looked on as a way of extending the vocabulary of the learner .
15 Right boys , come on out the way now .
16 I never have it 's mine actually I told them they have to be very careful , I 'm wondering if they put the right size in , excuse me can you go right out the way
17 Perhaps the most obvious example is Jaggers almost compulsive washing of hands which hints towards him feeling guilty perhaps about the way he runs his business and treats his clients .
18 ‘ I can never thank Terry enough for the way he treated me .
19 The boys talked nostalgically about the way fighting had been a part of their fathers ' world ; ‘ about the time old man MacIlroy , half-pissed , had taken on ali the men folk of his very extended family , at his sister 's wedding , and stili had time to call for more beer .
20 Gohlke has written thoughtfully about the way in which photographs can appear to embrace features of the past , the present and the future : " Projecting oneself into the future so that one can view the present with more apparent dispassion , and projecting an image of the past onto the future in order to take the measure of the present are different strategies .
21 When we worry too much about the way we are playing it inhibits us from listening to all the elements of the music .
22 Language provides the vehicle for this , and the syntax and content of the recall or response tell us much about the way the individual thinks and remembers .
23 So much for the way in which our furry fauna have captivated so many kite flyers ; now to the practical aspects of how to take the skydiver up to a safe release height .
24 Not that I cared much for the way he kept them .
25 The Queen 's Speech is important not only for the way in which it deals with matters abroad , but also for its emphasis on matters at home .
26 Alexander the Great also found Greek culture valuable if only as a way of patronizing his Macedonian peers : he remarked to a Greek fellow-feaster ( Plutarch Alex .
27 With the gradual extension of the franchise , and the growing powers of elected assemblies , parties acquired a more permanent organization , on a national scale ; but the next major development came only toward the end of the nineteenth century , with the advent of labour and socialist parties ( first in Germany and Austria ) which aimed to recruit a mass membership , not only as a way of financing election campaigns and other activities , but also as a means of political education and involvement .
28 Only about the way they run the Church of England , ’ said the Inspector bitterly .
29 ( These are only my personal feelings and I would n't want to put anybody else down for the way they dress . )
30 That has to speak highly for the way in which the software does its internal calculations and comes up with the answers .
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