Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb -s] one " in BNC.

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1 and Cath , well apparently he knows one of the girls on
2 Ah but th th th there 's a rack and w one goes on and holds the horn post up to the boot while it 's driven , then it comes out and there 's two , one 's half a tooth , so it ensures one or the other 's in , and they work like that .
3 Considerable ambiguity arises when the appearances of the incident are such that it is uncertain whether or not it fits one of these types of abnormal situation .
4 Just two days later , at a party attended by a particularly ‘ old ’ ( and tarty ) flame of his , the expression on my face as I watched the two of them exchange meaningful glances would surely have revealed the same disgust and disdain that Diana displays whenever she encounters one of her husband 's confidantes .
5 So by controlling the concentration of the reagents that will affect which way it goes and a lot of them are temperature sensitive , we heat it up it goes one way , cool it down it goes the other .
6 Luckily there remains one possibility which our search has overlooked .
7 However , the value of a field and its rate of change with time are like the position and velocity of a particle : the uncertainty principle implies that the more accurately one knows one of these quantities , the less accurately one can know the other .
8 Now it charges one part of the city $12 a ton and still loses money .
9 Sir Nicholas Pelham lived in what is now the White Hart , the Gorings of Danny built ‘ Pelham ’ House in 1579 ; even now it hides one of the finest Elizabethan panelled rooms in the county .
10 Anyway , nowadays she runs one of the bakeries here , that one we never go into .
11 Then she telephones one day and says she wants her stuff delivered bloody quick .
12 The first observation might have given the answers " here " or " there " ; sometimes it gives one and sometimes the other .
13 And then it fills one side up then .
14 and we 'd left it , and not bothered and then he says one day I might as well sling this out it 's no good is it ?
15 ‘ If you 've got problems with your boat then he has one less competitor to worry about . ’
16 At least it teaches one respect for facts .
17 Yet she has one clear admission from her Brookie days .
18 And yet she has one of the highest profiles imaginable , because she recognizes what she is doing , in a variety of ways , and the media-worthy nature of this , and she feeds the media with all sorts of stories , all sorts of angles , all sorts of aspects , which actually help her cause .
19 She knots up some girdle-cakes ( lepëshki ) in a kerchief and plunges through the thick spring mud of the village track to the river Iput' near by where she catches one of several small boats plying to Volga , a market town on the way to Roslavl' .
20 Instead he has one brown eye and one blue eye , and his hair is reddish-black !
21 Yet it remains one of the most fondly remembered lines in the annals of Advertising .
22 He may be able to command as large an audience as anyone , yet he remains one of the least showy of performers , preserving a musical integrity and discrimination that deserved a better conductor than Elio Boncompagni , and certainly one who might have persuaded more sophisticated playing from a dispirited Royal Philharmonic .
23 Seem to be almost anywhere except on over the page at the top , where it says one point four , and that was er , local authority fire brigade , other than that
24 to where it evaporates one step from the bottom ,
25 All 2 200 staff at its Pipers Way headquarters have been handed leaflets offering practical advice on how to Beat the Chill … one of the reasons , the society claims , why it boasts one of the lowest absentee rates in the financial sector .
26 At its offices in High Holborn in London , one of the firm 's partners explains why it sets one rate for all its customers .
27 Here too it has one of the uncelebrated but indispensable roles in modern capitalism .
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