Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Janet Walters , an Oxford history graduate who had previously served as a full-time tutor in Northamptonshire in 1943–45 , arrived in August 1952 but resigned two years later : she went on to a successful career in adult education , eventually retiring as principal of Hillcroft College , Surbiton , in 1982 .
2 A great many of them , certainly those who are the prime candidates to read our magazine , are strikingly different as fathers than their fathers ; they 're also different lovers , husbands , bosses and sons .
3 ‘ I never want to hear that name again , ’ Sophie broke in , then felt rather foolish as Helen raised her eyebrows .
4 Corbett nodded , rather embarrassed as Dame Agatha bustled round the room , laying the tray on a small table and dragging across a stool .
5 He did not refer to anything so vulgar as payment , of course , because the Gnomes would not expect it .
6 Vela is crossed by the Milky Way , though it is not so rich as Carina .
7 A Theme so low as Mira 's simple Song ,
8 Naturally this crisp geometrical profile becomes softened and less perceptible as scoria cones grow older and are subjected to the normal processes of erosion .
9 But would she like to do it with a stranger and one so strange as Leon who came , not just from ten miles off , but a thousand ?
10 ‘ Nothing so little as grace at first , and nothing more glorious afterward : things of greatest perfection are longest in coming to their growth …
11 The clear danger was , however , that certain factions within the party leadership would not be so tolerant as Su Xiao Kang hoped and that the freer intellectual atmosphere of 1988 might be drawing to an end .
12 Wesleyan support , as the Spectator observed in 1897 , ‘ was not so extensive as outsiders might gather from some inside declarations ’ .
13 Nicholas Woodeson combines high comedy with cold menace as Berlin Bertie , the secret policeman who follows Rosa to England ; Kevin Allen is stubbornly endearing as Alice 's dim , foul-mouthed and devoted toy boy ; and Susan Lynch gives a touching performance as a waif-like Gothette who wants to be a mime artist , poor thing .
14 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
15 Again , Pound 's admirers will protest ; and they will be right , insofar as Yeats 's account of the Cantos is n't so definitive as Olson takes it to be .
16 low eighty , low eighty it various from season to season as upholstery is more popular or less popular as beds are more popular at the
17 Social pressures upon them to be " good parents " are strong : to complain about the situation would indicate that they are less adequate as mothers or fathers than they should be .
18 ‘ I 've never heard anything so funny as Paisley accusing the Pope of being the Anti-Christ , ’ he gasped , shaking and holding his ribs .
19 It seems probable that elderly people as a whole have more secure incomes and are less marginalized as consumers today than they were at earlier times in this century .
20 The yard at the side had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron ; it was not entirely waterproof as buckets and other containers were dotted around the floor to catch the drips .
21 This mean reversion effect became stronger in both countries as delivery approached , and this is consistent with arbitrage becoming less costly and less risky as maturity declines .
22 Wives , becoming less absorbed as babies become more clearly their own persons , but often remaining tied , tired or bored by the demands of toddlers , perhaps feeling lonely and lacking enough external stimulus , may similarly find themselves resenting and envying what they see as their husbands ' ‘ freedom ’ of action .
23 Human beings he found , yet again , were not nearly so interesting as animals and besides , his bare legs had been stung by the nettles that grew thickly round the boathouse .
24 His speeds are not so driven as Rattle 's , the energy level is lower ; but there is a clearer sense of the cunning in the music .
25 Nothing so absolute as sex .
26 TTT , carefully nurtured in the early days of PNP — especially after our fourth report had provided both a label and a framework for its development — became less prominent as coordinators returned from a collaborative to a solo teaching role .
27 It is not magic or superstition which is at the heart of the sacrilege so much as morality . ’
28 But there are places where the residents are seen not so much as customers but as ‘ them ’ .
29 The recording catches the players rather forcefully , and the balance between guitar and string quartet is not always well managed : that is not the engineer 's fault so much as Boccherini 's who did not always judge texture as well as he might .
30 We may long to scream , ‘ If you ever , ever so much as look at a prohibited substance , I 'll lock you in your bedroom until you 're 30 , ’ but we have to master our panic .
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