Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as do " in BNC.

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1 We can do a lot after planting , but in no way so fundamental as doing the job properly beforehand .
2 Eventually the two values in column one become effectively equal as do the two values in column two .
3 Even I can see that Mr Kinnock knows nothing about economics ; as little as did Sir Alec Douglas-Home , who at least never had the temerity to pretend that he did .
4 The design of the kite plays its part in determining the size of the flight envelope just as much as does wind strength .
5 The USSR employs about five times as many farm workers as the US and invests about five times as much as does US farming annually , yet Soviet output is only 80 per cent that of the U S A. Again like any bureaucratic system of production , risk-taking is never rewarded and hence there is no premium put on innovation .
6 The English-speaking world , which reveres him quite as much as does Iberia , knows him as Ferdinand Magellan .
7 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
8 Although Richardson regarded himself as writing with a new realism , his novels gravitate towards the houses of the great as much as did the wealthier middle-class houses of his time .
9 He worked at Underwood Pit when they were came to this district and then they came into the Newthorpe Common district and er and then er we moved from Newthorpe Common and he went to Williamthorpe for a short while , only from erm probably eighteen months to two years , that 's as much as did there .
10 Any agent worth his salt knew that promotion under Postelnicu depended upon satisfying the minister 's whims as much as doing his proper job well .
11 In 1995 Japan will own a tenth of all American assets , a figure brought about in part because of the weakness of the dollar against the yen , but also because the Japanese manage to save three times as much as do the Americans , and have that much more spare money to invest .
12 As it seems to me , in principle a covenant by a third party guaranteeing the performance by the tenant of his obligations should touch and concern the reversion as much as do the tenants ' covenants themselves .
13 In this Europe there is a Benetton in every high street , Badoit and Czech Budweiser in every fridge , an Armani jacket in every wardrobe , Beaujolais Nouveau on every table , cable and satellite television channels in many languages in every living room , an Umberto Eco novel on every bookshelf , a Volvo in every garage , where CDs of The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment lie casually next to Eurythmics , and where nipping across to Paris for the day is as natural as doing a day 's business in London .
14 But I reckon that 's tiring myself , well , not tiring , it 's just as hard as doing a job — I do n't care what any man says …
15 The TUC found them nearly as awkward as did the Government .
16 That meant it was as good as done .
17 Then it 's as good as done , is n't it ? "
18 Cooking for a healthy heart is easy and just as delicious as doing things the ‘ coronary ’ way .
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