Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [been] some " in BNC.

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1 When contemplating the history of the palazzo you have to wonder whether there might not have been some truth in an ancient prophecy made at the time when Alessi began work on the building .
2 There may just have been some hope of effecting change through organization , especially when the numbers of women were still low ( about 300 at the end of the 18805 ) , though the means chosen were not welcomed by the rank and file of the men 's union .
3 Yet might there not have been some confused episode , something which , when Irina was much younger , had distressed her , appalled them both , something which neither of them in their childishness — for here Ludens saw Marcus as a child — had really understood ?
4 There may always have been some in Mercia who did not approve of Offa 's Lichfield policy and the realization that London would be the ideal centre for the southern provinces offered a neat solution to a tangled ecclesiastical and political situation .
5 There would probably have been some cutting in Act 5 .
6 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
7 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
8 On the first of these there must inevitably have been some continuation of the raising of teacher-awareness initiated by the involvement of teachers in the library committee and in making submissions to it for inclusion in the proposal .
9 It seems that even if you have loved and been loved , there could well have been some loss to bear in the recent past .
10 There may well have been some particularly sensitive elements in what you have thought about .
11 The passages from Mank Ali and Ata'i concerning Abdulfettah do suggest , however , that there may well have been some connection between the pairs of concepts and that there is some basis for assuming that the " interior " referred to is the three cities of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ( and environs ) and the " exterior " the rest of the empire or at least that part of it in which the learned hierarchy operated .
12 There may even have been some dissatisfaction among Penda 's allies with what had been achieved at Iudeu .
13 One suspects that somewhere along the line of the story 's forming there has been some attempt to draw a veil over the proceedings , and to protect the reputation particularly of the great Moses .
14 In the West Midlands there has been some attempt to classify the type of assistance given to each client into advice or support where support means that some action was taken by the advice worker .
15 But in a majority of cases there has been some success , and in many instances the outcome has been very successful .
16 If the plant had not closed , there would undoubtedly have been some older workers who would have retired prematurely in any case .
17 There 've been some big by Shrewsbury over the years , I 'll tell ya there 've been some big clubs here in the past years and it looks very much on the cards again tonight , they have got a massive job on their hands now Blackburn to come back into this .
18 Dinner consisted of pea soup , which Millie found quite nice — she could taste there had been some kind of pork boiled in the liquid — followed by a meat pudding .
19 In years gone by there had been some clever dogs in Baldersdale .
20 Work on the Glenburrell Bridge had been slower than hoped for as there had been some discussion with the County Council as to ownership .
21 ‘ We did originally conclude that the MiG 25 posed no real threat to our air defences , but it would appear there have been some new developments .
22 Nastiest — I have n't read any nasty things NME has said about me but I 'm sure there have been some over the years
23 And though it is usually Consumer publications that are involved there have been some notable exceptions among even the more staid members of the trade press .
24 Er sure there have been some improvements in the materials that we use .
25 The last two releases in the Kings Quest series received a fairly mixed reception , and since the heady days when Sierra WERE GRAPHIC ADVENTURES there have been some very strong releases from the likes of Lucasfilms ( Loom , Secret of Monkey Island I and II , Indiana Jones ) , Westwood ( Legend of Kyrandia ) , and even some of the Role Playing Games from Origin ( Ultima VII and Ultima Underworlds ) and Sir Tech ( Crusaders of the Dark Savant ) .
26 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
27 I mean , as councillor is aware in trying to move around this building there have been some changes in use of digital locks on some of the doors .
28 There must evidently have been some panic to get the depôt clear in time to reopen for service cars .
29 For the Church of the fourth century , there would almost certainly have been some rueful and grudging admission that Constantine was a Messiah who had succeeded where Jesus had failed , and that the Messiah as represented by both Constantine and Jesus was indeed a military and political figure — not a god , but a king with a mandate to govern .
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