Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [n mass] of " in BNC.

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1 In Fig. 2.5 a widely spaced pair of radio-telescopes are shown receiving signals from the same source .
2 ALASTAIR GRAHAM , headmaster of Mill Hill School , north London , says parents who have paid fees should not be above gently reminding offspring of the financial sacrifices made on their behalf in the run-up to exams .
3 Certificates were awarded to 63 girls who all passed 93pc of them passed with either a merit or distinction .
4 One wind turbine at Trimblemill on the Isle of Thurso , Scotland , only produces 7kW of power a year , but that is still enough to provide electricity for lights and appliances for the island population .
5 The aim is not only to increase sales of these products , but also to encourage customers to buy other goods at the same time .
6 They only occupy 2% of the total agricultural area however , and a large number of them are part-time or retirement farms and constitute no great economic problem whilst many , particularly in southern France , are quite intensive and may provide reasonable family incomes .
7 Railway and port facilities will be needed and higher levels of mine mechanization if coal production is to achieve levels which not only supply 70% of energy demand but afford an opportunity for exports .
8 It may not be possible to adequately define ‘ damage ’ to the environment , or even to detect it , when the environmental impact of a genetically engineered bacterium may be as undramatic as replacing a naturally occurring species of bacterium .
9 Byrd studied all research on the trait approach that had been done up to the 1940 's and only found 5% of all traits identified for leaders common to all the research .
10 The most active counties continued to be Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire which together provided 56% of the total number of classes and students .
11 The Packard Bell Elite 1000 comes with plenty of bundled software and sound support , but it only has 2Mb of RAM
12 Unix licence revenues increased 43% over the third quarter of fiscal 1992 , with Desktop licence sales growing 35% over the prior period , and the two together comprised 75% of total licence revenues for the quarter , compared with 69% of total licence revenues a year ago .
13 Unix licence revenues increased 43% over the third quarter of fiscal 1992 , with Desktop licence sales growing 35% over the prior period , and the two together comprised 75% of total licence revenues for the quarter , compared with 69% of total licence revenues a year ago .
14 She only received £6,000 of the loan .
15 But the Government clause which says Caldaire can only keep 35pc of any purchase price above £1.3m makes a move virtually impossible .
16 Over-production led to the infamous butter mountains and ultimately set aside , which means that arable farmers here can only work 85% of their land .
17 The sack should be in certain Karrimor agents ' shops by now , priced £350 , but at present it will only fit people of average size or bigger — those who take , say , size 42–47 boots .
18 Lodges , clothing and large amounts of flour were lost to the soldiers , and war correspondent Tom Sutherland reported his discovery of ‘ a much worn pair of small moccasins and an absurd little rag doll under a tree ’ .
19 It was soon overtaken by the profounder and better known works of Bonaventure , Albertus Magnus , and Aquinas .
20 The parents charter does not merely inform people of the rights that they already have and which are approved by Parliament , but contains a list of proposals on the privatisation of the inspectorate .
21 D&B 's European operation only reached 80% of its profit target although UK profits were up 25% in 1992 on sales that rose 17% to £32.4m .
22 The link-up will also boost income for the station which has 16pc of the ITV audience but only collects 12pc of the revenue .
23 He only liked people of his own generation .
24 These assignments together carry 40% of the marks for the area of study .
25 There is no good reason why in these circumstances 100% of the seats should not be distributed among parties ( and any serious independent candidates ) which have together won 95% of the votes .
26 As the wealth of software grew so did sales of the computer , and distributors were established in countries throughout the world .
27 Kuwait and Iraq together contain 29% of the Gulf 's oil reserves and , up to 1990 , were producing 27% of the Gulf 's total output .
28 It therefore does not give any help even in the areas , such as sex and hunger , where we most obviously need means of describing the relations between culture and the biological .
29 This insurance arrangement is very rarely used by practitioners , but readers should know that it does exist , and might provide some help to a buyer who is basically raising 100% of the price from the mortgage company .
30 Another paper describing the use of bibliometrics in research evaluation is Narin 1987 , but this restricts itself to publication counts and citations , deriving a new indicator , the Top Decile Performance , which is that percent of an Institute 's papers which are amongst the more highly cited 10% of papers in a field .
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