Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And once the Worm 's in captivity — in a zoo or suchlike — it 'll go on reminding folk about Kershaw and the unemployed . ’
2 Elsewhere , the major infiltration seems to have occurred in the course of the fifteenth century : the Signet Office had a predominantly lay staff from 1437 , the Exchequer from 1500 , if not before . ’
3 How will you go about lavishly praising people for giving up their time to attend the meeting ?
4 The client eventually recovered £1,000 in supplementary benefit additional requirements , backdated to 1976 .
5 This implicit acceptance of the wider consequences of removing the right to abortion — opinion surveys showed consistent majority support for retaining the 1973 precedent — together with the emergence of the three-member centrist bloc on the Court , threw doubt on the widespread assumption that it was only a matter of time before the Court eventually overturned Roe v. Wade .
6 ( There are no reports of female hinnies successfully producing offspring after mating with a stallion . )
7 Further sales will take place over the winter season and will mostly include works from the private apartments at Broadlands , Hampshire , Mountbatten 's home from 1939 to 1979 , where rising debts and decreasing visitor numbers have led to the sales .
8 In Fig. 2.5 a widely spaced pair of radio-telescopes are shown receiving signals from the same source .
9 This forced the purse-seine fleet to fish outside the eastern Pacific and they successfully caught tuna without encircling dolphins .
10 ALASTAIR GRAHAM , headmaster of Mill Hill School , north London , says parents who have paid fees should not be above gently reminding offspring of the financial sacrifices made on their behalf in the run-up to exams .
11 He was in the grip of severe constipation and was only eating fruit in an effort to clear himself out .
12 Certificates were awarded to 63 girls who all passed 93pc of them passed with either a merit or distinction .
13 One wind turbine at Trimblemill on the Isle of Thurso , Scotland , only produces 7kW of power a year , but that is still enough to provide electricity for lights and appliances for the island population .
14 So do you think , then , that this policy could only cover people with an income .
15 The aim is not only to increase sales of these products , but also to encourage customers to buy other goods at the same time .
16 They only occupy 2% of the total agricultural area however , and a large number of them are part-time or retirement farms and constitute no great economic problem whilst many , particularly in southern France , are quite intensive and may provide reasonable family incomes .
17 Railway and port facilities will be needed and higher levels of mine mechanization if coal production is to achieve levels which not only supply 70% of energy demand but afford an opportunity for exports .
18 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
19 It may not be possible to adequately define ‘ damage ’ to the environment , or even to detect it , when the environmental impact of a genetically engineered bacterium may be as undramatic as replacing a naturally occurring species of bacterium .
20 Byrd studied all research on the trait approach that had been done up to the 1940 's and only found 5% of all traits identified for leaders common to all the research .
21 They lost every deposit , and so contributed £128,000 towards the election , but received almost no coverage in the national press , TV or radio in return .
22 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
23 The most active counties continued to be Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire which together provided 56% of the total number of classes and students .
24 The Packard Bell Elite 1000 comes with plenty of bundled software and sound support , but it only has 2Mb of RAM
25 Let us assume the client only has £70 in retirement and works pensions .
26 This will be a far easier task if the initial advertisement/job description has been accurate enough to attract people with the right qualifications and experience .
27 According to the company , Standard relational databases running under Unix can only process data in one way using Standard Query Language .
28 Referring to the Voluntary Severance Scheme in Bank of Ireland , Mr. Ryan said the IBOA did not oppose a scheme which enabled senior and long serving people to ‘ get a well-deserved rest from banking .
29 limited edition of 1,000 on seven-inch only featuring ‘ Second Wind ’ from the band 's forthcoming LP , plus two tracks recorded live at Feile , ‘ When I First Saw You ’ and ‘ I Want To Kill You ’ , available by mail order only priced £1 from
30 Sad to see a skilled worker being offered so little yet amused that people like me on Employment Action and Employment Training only receive 20p per hour after deductions for travel costs .
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