Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] in " in BNC.

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1 In 1899 , when there was a sharp increase in the number of reported cattle thefts , H. W. Brodhurst , the Government Agent , attributed it to false cases which were instituted because the magistrate was inexperienced : ‘ I therefore attach little importance to this apparent recrudescence of a crime which was once the curse of the Province , but has been little heard of in late years . ’
2 I like somewhere to go to in the morning .
3 The King was also widely criticized for in effect putting his conscience above his role as head of state .
4 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
5 It is clearly undesirable and often more expensive to admit or keep in district general hospitals or long stay hospitals old or mentally ill or mentally handicapped people who could be properly looked after in the community .
6 I have been asked to see that you are properly looked after in your retirement . ’
7 This helps to reinforce the meaning of the structures students are learning , and ensures that form is rarely looked at in isolation .
8 For example , the constraints of women 's lifestyles and their domestic and family responsibilities often mean that they are effectively discriminated against in terms of availability for election and service .
9 Disabled people are widely discriminated against in most types of employment including the health and caring professions .
10 Although the court order should specify a time-limit in which the conveyance must be completed ( so that compliance can be enforced — see Chapter 8 ) such time-limit is rarely adhered to in practice .
11 David Clark 's committee of 25 years ago , irreverently referred to in some quarters as the ‘ Dave Clark Five ’ although it contained 13 people , took as its main brief the worsening financial position of the game consequent upon the postwar trend of falling attendances for first-class matches and declining membership of county clubs .
12 The collapse must have been much commented on in the Edinburgh print and publishing trade , but the local press was discreet .
13 The position of Burleigh School in the English educational system would be very difficult to explain to a foreigner ( who has , God knows , enough to contend with in comprehending the other parts of the system ) .
14 Students would lose the right to social security benefits , but the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals last night pledged to fight this element — only referred to in the bill 's preface — throughout its parliamentary passage and the courts if necessary .
15 No object of thought that is not capable of being descriptively referred to in such a fashion can be significantly posited as an ontological item existing in the modus " per se " .
16 The fact , much relied on in some more recent cases in the Ormandy line , that service by mail is not allowed in domestic Japanese cases can not be relevant ; Japan could have objected to Article 10(a) but chose not to do so .
17 Since ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ is constantly referred to in Russia and the West as Stavrogin 's Confession , it occurs to me to note that the word confession does not appear anywhere in the chapter .
18 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
19 The distinction between human fallibility and the goal of the religious quest is constantly referred to in all religions .
20 I could not possibly have been better looked after in any private hospital and my thanks and appreciation go to all those who made my recovery possible .
21 The barely submerged class antagonism much alluded to in the local humour is both true and false .
22 Oranges only came in in October for Christmas .
23 These things , not surprisingly , are only hinted at in their publication , for that document is mostly concerned with presenting the reader with the team 's own rationale .
24 Bees raised on a hillside of wildflowers produce a fine wax that is blended into a hand cream much sought after in Bath and beyond .
25 Although the qualification was very much sought after in the beginning with the burgeoning of more centres running it up and down the country , the trainees soon realised that in spite of the skills they gained , the diploma was not recognised by the DES even as a first stage towards further accreditation .
26 Consequently graduates from the Department of Hotel and Catering Management are highly sought after in all areas of the industry .
27 Though I am , as it happens , an officer of the local Labour Party , this may not suggest the radical intellectual approach that you were perhaps looking for in your ‘ groundsperson ’ .
28 For me the poem also has a more elusive quality , which I have perhaps hinted at in describing the extract as self-dramatising .
29 The need to harness and utilise such skills becomes an urgent priority if the NHS is to survive the recruitment and retention crisis so talked about in the late 1980s .
30 The event was not much talked about in the family ; it was too dreadful ; and I do n't suppose for a moment that Aunt Kate , then living abroad , would have wondered whether she , herself , might not have played a part in the sequence of events ; nor do I remember any such theory ever having been put forward or even thought of at the time .
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