Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It would be natural to assume that this attempt to create a rift between Offa and the papacy occurred before the visit of the legates in 786 and that the visit was part of a process of reconciliation , but this is not wholly justified for Hadrian 's letter could date to the late rather than the mid-780s , and reflect hostility to one or more of a number of Offa 's actions .
2 Hermite had presumably gambled on Smith 's being the only entry for the competition , but there were in fact two others .
3 The venture that did most damage to Jinky 's bank balance was the ‘ Double J Bar ’ in Hamilton , a pub designed to cash in on his name , but destined like so many footballer 's pubs to become a financial nightmare .
4 His association with these Hammersmith artists was a little resented by Elinor Moynihan who felt that , in comparison with the Soho painters , the Hammersmith set were artists with their claws pulled out .
5 Deliveries to London were mostly undertaken by Meirion or Dai Jones , and occasionally , Bernard .
6 It is this which ought to have been properly recalled in Freud 's later work , and he could then have introduced the term ‘ death instincts ’ to describe this basic , and in terms of the later theory , innate predisposition to kill other human beings .
7 It should be noted that this test was expressly limited by Megarry V-C to secrets in industrial or trade settings .
8 She told him about the secretarial course at the technical college and her plans eventually to go to London , perhaps to model .
9 Mr. Steed was duly registered at H.M.
10 A compromise was forged on the divisive issue of East Timor , the Portuguese colony forcibly annexed by Indonesia in 1976 .
11 The Italians took the lead in the second half when Giandebiaggi crossed into the area for Florjancic to powerfully nod past Ludo Miklosko .
12 This was particularly the case when Marcia Williams , having been powerfully lobbied by Arnold Wesker , was determined to persuade Harold Wilson to bestow some extra support on ‘ Centre 42 ’ , which was Wesker 's notion of an organisation to supervise the growth of the arts in this country .
13 Ace nudged Defries , grinned , and pointed proudly to the two largest pyres : they were the remains of two hover-speeders , presumably wrecked by Ace 's grenades .
14 More than 60 bogus applications have been found so far , mostly posted in Manchester and London .
15 The England captain , who had an outstanding match , is eventually halted by Aherne after a powerful midfield burst — but not before Geoghegan and Matthews are sucked in …
16 On the internal market the European Council " noted with particular satisfaction that the White Paper programme for creating the internal market will in all essential respects be successfully completed by Dec. 31 , 1992 " .
17 The process of disarming the militia forces which had started in late April [ see p. 38168 ] appeared to have been successfully completed by mid-May .
18 It has been very stylishly furnished by Cliff and Barry with great attention to detail .
19 The list of editors makes interesting reading if only for the number of composers it contains : Saint-Säens was eventually joined by Vincent d'Indy , Paul Dukas , Auguste Chapuis , Reynaldo Hahn , Alexandre Guilmant , Henri Busser , Georges Marty and ( surprisingly ? )
20 Not only did he go on to lose at Waterloo : he suffered the final indignity of living and dying in a house called The Briars on St Helena , far down in the South Atlantic .
21 The familiar mainland gripe of skill shortages is rarely heard in Northern Ireland .
22 The announcement managed to elevate the NT import to the level of a strategic operating system for DEC , which is embracing it as a ‘ corporate solution ’ , language rarely heard from DEC 's mouth unless it 's talking about VAX/VMS .
23 Thomson was born in Kansas City in 1896 , studied at Harvard , and then mostly lived in Paris until 1940 .
24 The concept is both described and trenchantly criticized in Valentine ( 1969 ) .
25 But clearly Hateley , who made his England debut back in 1984 and earned a fortune playing abroad , does not feel he was properly treated by Taylor .
26 For example the rate of atomic clocks , one on Earth and one 10 000 km above the Earth in a rocket , have been compared and the difference is successfully explained by GR .
27 A good slo-cooker will come with a recipe book , but there are many recipe books that deal with slo-cooking , such as Slow Cooking Properly Explained by Dianne Page , or Marks and Spencer 's One Pot Cooking .
28 Supt Peter Durham from Newcastle city centre will address staff on how contingency plans can be properly arranged for Newcastle .
29 Yet , one of the catchwords that has been widely heard in Washington and elsewhere during the run up to the war has been the need to create a democratic environment in the Middle East after the war is over .
30 ‘ In those days , the new psychology was just beginning to make itself felt in the circles I most frequented in Oxford , ’ he told readers of the 1950 reprint of Dymer .
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